WCB Basics

What is WCB?

  • Is a not-for-profit organization that helps injured workers return to work as quickly and as safely as possible
  • Provides financial compensation for wages lost due to their workplace injury regardless of cause of injury
  • WCB was implemented to protect worker safety

Who Does WCB affect?

  • If you are a worker in Alberta working in an industry under the Workers' Compensation Act, you are protected by WCB-Alberta

How does WCB work?

  • It is funded through the payment of premiums by all employers with coverage and follows the legislation laid out in the Workers' Compensation Act and Regulation
  • Employers who participate in WCB are at no risk of civil litigation regarding workplace accidents
  • If you are covered by workers' compensation insurance, you cannot be sued or sue the person or company responsible for your injury if they are also covered by workers' compensation

See the diagram below that outlines the basics of the WCB Process

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