Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists


What is a profession?

Profession is a vocation requiring some significant body of knowledge that is applied with high degree of consistency in the service of some relevant segment of society.
— Hodge and Johnson

What does it mean to be a professional?

A professional can be described as a highly educated person who enjoys a degree of work autonomy and renders specialized services based on theory, knowledge and skills that are most often particular to their profession. Professionals hold themselves ultimately accountable for the quality of their work with the client.

What is the purpose of regulation?

Regulation provides a framework to carry out and enforce the provisions of legislation. In health care, regulation exists to ensure the public is protected when they seek or receive health care.

What is the role of a health regulatory college?

Colleges exist as a quasi-extension of government as they are bound by legislation and their primary role is protection of the public. Colleges protect the public by implementing, administering and enforcing healthcare legislation:

  • Setting and enforcing standards and guidelines for the practice and conduct of their members
  • Making sure that regulated health professionals meet their training and educational standards before they can practice or use a professional title
  • Developing programs to help members continually improve their skills and knowledge, upholding the quality of care
  • Acting on concerns about their members’ provision of health care
How are colleges run?

Colleges are governed by a board of directors, sometimes called a council. Each board of directors/council consists of regulated members of the profession and government-appointed public members. Having both public and regulated members on the council ensures that we have an appropriate balance of knowledge, experience and perspectives at the table. The council’s role is to regulate the profession and oversee the college’s management, actions and policy development within the framework of the legislation.

Why does regulation matter?

Regulation provides assurance to the public that the members of colleges are highly trained health professionals who are accountable to a regulatory body for the quality of care they provide. Members of the public can bring concerns about a regulated care provider directly to their college.

The College
What does Council do?

The board of directors, which we call Council, is the group of individuals appointed to govern the affairs of the College. The HPA now requires 50% of Council members to be regulated members of the professions and 50% to be public members appointed by the Minister of Health to ensure the public perspective. The College bylaws have been updated to reflect the new composition of Council, which includes the required public members and one regulated member from each profession as well as one who practices ultrasound in anticipation of DMS regulation. Council defines the policies of the College within the bounds of the provincial legislation. Governance is Council’s job: this means determining the College’s mission, vision and goals, taking into account the views of their stakeholders, the members and the public. Council’s role is to make the macro decisions as to the directions of the organization and to monitor its organizational performance.

What does the CEO do?

The CEO participates in the process of policy decision-making by researching options for the board to consider, providing administrative consequences of options being considered and developing and implementing operational plans that support the board’s strategic plan. The board makes policy and the CEO delivers it.

What do College staff do?

The College staff play a huge role in the provision of the operational components designed to support Council’s strategic plan. In a nutshell, the board decides the “what” and the staff deliver the “how”. All administrative policies and procedures must align with the above authorities. The staff respond to the needs of all the stakeholders, employers, government, the public and the members within the context of Council policy.

How is a college different from a professional association?

Colleges are organizations that are delegated the authority to govern the practice of the members of a profession in the public interest. The fundamental purpose of the college is public protection. Associations are member-centric or member-oriented organizations that promote and advocate for the profession and support of the member.

Is it the College’s role to advocate for me as a member?

No, this is an association role. The College is established under legislation to ensure public protection through governance of its members; i.e., establishing, maintaining and enforcing standards of registration, continuing competence and practice. The College may advocate for the profession provided such activity is in the public interest.

How are the registration fees determined?

In looking to the next fiscal year, many things need to be considered as Council strives to maintain the financial stability of our organization. Prior to each fiscal year, a careful analysis of operational costs and expected revenue is undertaken. Council ensures that the approved budget is consistent with Council-stated purpose properties, as described in Council policy, in its allocation of resources and provides a credible projection of revenues and expenses.

How often can we expect the registration fees to increase?

Each year, a careful analysis and forecasting of revenues and expenditures is undertaken. There is always discussion on whether to increase fees incrementally over a few years or to do one larger increase. The last increase to registration fees was in 2016.

Are our registration fees consistent with other similar regulatory organizations?

Yes, our yearly dues are comparable with other organizations that also have responsibility under the Health Professions Act as well as similar organizations in other provinces.

Why should I register with the College?

The Health Professions Act (HPA) requires that any individual practicing radiological technology, nuclear medicine technology, magnetic resonance technology, electroneurophysiology technology or radiation therapy in Alberta must hold valid and current registration with the Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists (the College). The practice involves not only the clinical and technical aspects of the profession; it also includes, but is not limited to, functions of education, management, research and administration.

Under the HPA, mandatory registration applies to a person who supervises regulated members who provide professional services to the public. Supervision is defined to include one or more of the following:

  • The individual has authority to hire or dismiss the regulated member.
  • The individual oversees or contributes to the evaluation or review of the regulated member’s performance.
  • The individual is responsible for assigning work and setting priorities for the regulated member.
  • The regulated member reports to the individual.
  • The individual is responsible for providing training and ongoing education to the regulated member.
What are protected titles?

Medical radiation technologists (MRTs) and electroneurophysiology technologists (ENPs) are governed by the Health Professions Act (HPA) and the Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists Profession Regulation (the Regulation) in Alberta. As per this legislation, no one may use these titles or their abbreviations in Alberta without being a regulated member of the Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists.

Regulated College members who hold current registration may use the specialty titles and abbreviations appropriate to their specialty as listed below:

  • Radiological technology: radiological technologist, medical radiation technologist, medical radiation technologist (radiological), MRT, MRT (R)
  • Nuclear medicine technology: nuclear medicine technologist, medical radiation technologist, medical radiation technologist (nuclear medicine), MRT, MRT (NM)
  • Radiation therapy: radiation therapist, medical radiation technologist, medical radiation technologist (therapy), MRT, MRT (T)
  • Magnetic resonance technology: magnetic resonance technologist, medical radiation technologist, medical radiation technologist (magnetic resonance), MRT, MRT (MR)
  • Electroneurophysiology technology: electroneurophysiology technologist, electroencephalography technologist, ENP, EEGT

Members who are registered in more than one specialty may add the specialties to the end of the MRT abbreviation; for example, MRT (R)(T) or MRT (NM)(MR).

Only regulated members of the College who are currently registered may use the titles and abbreviations listed above. If you resign your registration, you are unable to use the specialty titles or abbreviations until you reinstate your registration.

How do I apply for registration?

The College has an online application process for all streams except for internationally educated applicants. Please review the registration requirements applicable to all applicants, then follow the application process appropriate to your situation:

For more information, see the How to Apply page.

How long does it take to process an application for registration?

An application for registration that meets all of the registration requirements is processed within three business days of when all required documentation are submitted to the College.

Will I automatically become a MRT or ENP once all the documents are received at the College?

Upon receiving your application, the College will review it for completeness and email or call you if any further documentation is required. When your application is deemed complete, the College will process your registration within three business days and email you a confirmation of having issued your permit allowing practice in Alberta. You may start your practice based on this email; it is unlawful to do so before the College confirms your registration. The College will mail you a welcome package along with your practice permit and tax receipt within a few days of the above confirmation.

Your registration status can be verified through the Public Register as soon as the College issues your practice permit.

What is the role of The Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT) in the registration process?

The CAMRT develops and administers national certification exams for the four MRT specialties: radiological technology, nuclear medicine technology, magnetic resonance technology and radiation therapy. The exam is managed nationally to optimize consistency of practice across Canada.

I’m new to the College. What key things should I do to maintain my registration?

The mandate of the College is to protect the public of Alberta. The College is required to ensure that all registrants meet registration requirements to ensure the currency and competency of their skills and knowledge to practice on the public of Alberta.

If you are registered on the general register with a full practice permit, here are some key things you will want to bear in mind to maintain your permit to practice in Alberta:

  • The College registration year runs parallel to the calendar year. This means that regardless of the date your practice permit became effective, it will expire on December 31 of that year. Registrants are required to renew their practice permit by completing the annual registration renewal process before their practice permit expires each year. Detailed information on how you complete this online process will be sent to you in October.
  • The Continuing Competence Program (CCP) is a mandatory component of registration as outlined in the HPA. The CCP requires that a regulated member complete, in each registration year, a reflective practice review. Non-compliance with the requirements of the CCP is deemed unprofessional conduct and could place a member’s practice permit at risk. Continued non-compliance could lead to suspension of the permit.
  • Registrants are required to practice a minimum of 800 hours in their primary area of practice and (if applicable) 160 hours in their secondary area of practice within a five-year window.

As a regulated professional, it is your responsibility to ensure that you continue to meet registration requirements. If at any time you have questions regarding your registration status, you may call or email the College.

What is professional liability insurance and why do I need it?

Professional liability insurance (PLI) provides protection against claims alleging liability resulting from the rendering or failure to render professional services. The requirement for PLI is in place to protect both the patient and the member. By having PLI, a member is protected professionally and financially from claims (real, alleged or false) made against the member as a result of rendering professional services. The patient is protected should the claim be substantiated and damages awarded.

College regulations stipulate that all practitioners are required to have professional liability coverage in the minimum amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence.

Current Members
My practice permit expires on December 31. What should I do to practice after that date?

The College registration year runs parallel to the calendar year. This means that regardless of the date your practice permit became effective, it will expire on December 31 of that year. As a member of the College, it is your responsibility to complete the annual registration renewal process to ensure you have secured the permit to continue practicing after December 31. The College is required to cancel the practice permits of all individuals who do not complete the renewal process.

The annual registration renewal period runs from October 1 to December 31 every year. You will receive an email from the College with instructions on how to renew in October.

Does the College have a pre-authorized payment plan (PAP) so I can pay my fees in instalments?

Upon careful evaluation, the College has concluded a PAP system is not feasible at this time.

What is the practice hour requirement and how does it apply to me?

Legislation requires that MRTs and ENPs provide assurance of the currency of their skills and knowledge to practice on the public of Alberta as evidenced through the number of hours they practiced within the most recent five-year window:

  • Applicants applying for one specialty must have completed at least 800 working hours of practice in the appropriate area of practice within the five years immediately preceding the date the registrar receives a complete application.
  • Applicants applying for registration in more than one specialty must meet the criteria specified in (a) above in their primary area of practice and have completed at least 160 working hours in their secondary area of practice within the five years immediately preceding the date the registrar receives a complete application.

For example, to determine eligibility for a practice permit valid in 2020, the College reviews practice hours reported for the years 2015 through 2019. Practice encompasses both direct clinical practice and/or roles such as administration, management, education and research. You cannot claim hours related to vacation, sick time, leave of absence or any other paid/unpaid non-work hours. Practice hours may be claimed from anywhere in the world.

I plan to stop working for some time. What should I do?

Members who are on a leave of absence from their current employer(s) and will not be practicing during this time may resign online through My Profile.

I will no longer be practicing the profession in Alberta. What should I do?

If you are moving out of the province, retiring, or taking a leave of absence from your employment as a medical radiation or electroneurophysiology technologist, you may resign your registration. You only need to maintain your registration when you are actually practicing the profession in Alberta.

To resign from the College, log in to My Profile, select “Apply” in the resignation box on your home page and complete and submit the form. The College will email you a confirmation when your resignation is processed. If the requested date of your resignation falls on a weekend/statutory holiday, your resignation will be processed on the next business day.

If you plan to practice in another province, you need to request the College to send a certificate of your professional standing to your new provincial regulator or association.

How do I change my name on the College register?

You can change your name through My Profile. You need to upload a name change document (a copy of your marriage certificate, birth certificate or change of name certificate issued under the Change of Name Act), which the College will use to review your request. Once the College is satisfied that you have validly changed your name, your name will be changed on the College register and you can download your new permit through My Profile.

Please remember that you must practice in the name on the College register at all times.

How do I change my personal and/or employer information on the College register?

You can change your information through My Profile. Members are advised to update the College of any change in name, contact information or employer information within 10 business days of the change.

Where do I find my tax receipts?

Log in to My Profile and select “Download registration” on the left side of the screen. All your previous practice permits are available in this section along with the corresponding tax receipts. If you are no longer a member of the College, please email to obtain your tax receipt.

Discontinuation of Associate Membership
What prompted the College to make this change?

The government of Alberta passed Bill 46, the Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2020 (No. 2), in late 2020. This bill amends several pieces of legislation, including the HPA. Bill 46 requires that the College only carry out professional regulatory duties in the public interest. Associate membership is a non-regulated category of registration, which means these members do not provide services of the profession to the public but the College needs to spend time and resources managing them. The government was very clear in stating that colleges must not use public resources for services that solely benefit members, so Council carefully reviewed all four non-regulated categories of registration — associate, honorary lifetime, student and diagnostic medical sonographer (DMS) roster — and determined that while the student and DMS roster categories have distinct public protection elements, the associate and honorary lifetime categories do not.

Whose decision was it to make this change?

The College is governed by a board of directors called Council, which consists of regulated members of the profession and government-appointed public members. After reviewing the legislation and receiving legal advice, Council made the decision to discontinue the associate membership category.

When did this take effect?

The bylaw establishing the associate and honorary life membership categories was repealed as of January 1, 2022. Anyone who was still registered as an associate at the end of 2021 had their status with the College changed to “Withdrawn” on the public register.

How does this affect me?

If you were registered as an associate at the end of 2021, your status was changed to “Withdrawn” on the public register. If you currently hold general registration and are planning on taking a leave of absence from work, you may resign your registration. If you choose to resign your registration but plan on returning to practice in the future, we encourage you to sign up to receive newsletters to stay up to date with College news.

What will I need to do when I return to practice?

The registration requirements for associate members, new applicants and former members applying for general registration are the same. To apply, log in to My Profile and select “Apply” in the “General” box on your home page. Please note that you will need to provide the following:

  • Practice hours for the last five years
  • Professional liability insurance (PLI) policy number
  • Criminal record check (completed online through Sterling Backcheck)
  • Proof of Regulation Education Module (REM) completion

If you are a former member of the College, most required information for your application will auto-populate from your existing account, but you may need to upload documents showing evidence of successful completion of a College-approved educational program and entry-to-practice examination.

What documents will I have to submit when I return to practice?

When you apply for general registration as a former member, you will need to complete the online application process. Your online profile will be pre-populated with the information you have provided to College in the past, such as your academic qualification and national certification; however, please note that you will also need to upload supporting documentation if we don’t already have it on file. After you have submitted your application, College staff will review your current and previous submissions to the College to see if anything further is needed. We will email you to let you know if anything further is required or issue your registration within three business days.

How do I request a document that I have submitted to the College?

You may request copies of documents that you have provided the College by submitting a document request form. If there is a cost for providing you the requested documents (e.g., photocopy, postage/courier), the College will notify you prior to fulfillment of your request.

Do I have to resubmit my practice hours when I return to practice?

Regulations require that technologists must have practiced 800 hours in the most recent five-year window for their primary specialty and, if applicable, 160 hours in the most recent five-year window for their secondary specialty at the time of registration. When you apply for general registration as a former member, you will need to complete the online application process. Your online profile will be pre-populated with the information you have provided to College in the past, including your practice hours. It is important to make sure the practice hours we have on file are correct. If you already have practice hours logged with the College, those numbers will be shown on your application form as “Recorded total hours” and you will be required to affirm that they are right. If you have to add or correct the recorded practice hours, this will need to be verified by the employer. Please note that after you have submitted your application, College staff will review your current and previous submissions to the College to see if anything further is needed. We will email you to let you know if anything further is required or issue your registration within three business days.

Will this affect my fees in any way?

Resigned and withdrawn associate members are subject to the standard registration fees outlined in the College’s fee policy when applying for general registration, including the $100 application fee.

Does resigning make it more difficult to get my application for general registration approved in the future?

Resignations have no bearing on your future eligibility for general registration, provided you are in good standing when you resign (i.e., you did not resign due to conduct issues). Registration requirements have always been and will continue to be the same for new members and former members returning to practice. Provided you meet all these requirements, including the practice hours requirement, your application for general registration as a resigned member will be processed the same way as a new member’s application.

If I resign do I still get a refund?

There has been no change to our current refund policy. If you resign with an effective date between January 1 and June 30 and have already paid your registration fee for the year, you are eligible for a refund of $225.

What does it mean if my status with the College is “Withdrawn”?

If you were still registered as an associate member on December 31, 2021, you remain on the public register with your status with the College changed to “Withdrawn” as a complaint can still be filed against you for up to two years and all requirements in the HPA will still apply. If your status is “Withdrawn” and you would like to return to practice in Alberta, you will need to submit a new application for general registration following the same process as a resigned member.

How will I be able to stay connected with the College and be notified of any changes?

The easiest way to stay connected with the College is to subscribe to the newsletter. This will ensure you continue to receive newsletters even if you resign your registration. You can also visit the News section of our website to see the latest updates and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Who should I talk to if I have further questions?

If you have any questions, please feel welcome to contact us by email at or by phone at 780.487.6130 or 1.800.282.2165.

Annual Renewal
Continuing Competence Program
Making Complaints
How do I know if my concern justifies a complaint?

Ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Was the person whose practice is questionable a regulated member or previously regulated member at the time of the incident(s)? The College provides a Public Register that lists all regulated members.
  2. Does the complaint allege that the regulated member or previously regulated member has violated the Code of Ethics or Standards of Practice approved by the College Council?
Will the technologist know that I am making the complaint?

Yes, the technologist is made aware of the complaint and in most cases, a copy of the complaint letter or form is provided to them.

How long does the complaint process take?

The investigation can take up to three months. Depending on the complexity and the action taken, the whole process can take up to a year. The College will notify you every 60 days of the stage of the complaint.

How does the Complaints Director act on a complaint?

Within 30 days of receiving a complaint or treating information as a complaint, the Complaints Director must notify the complainant of the action taken. The following options are available (HPA 55(2)):

  1. encourage the parties to resolve the matter informally,
  2. attempt to resolve the complaint,
  3. refer the matter for alternative complaint resolution,
  4. request an expert opinion on the subject matter of the complaint,
  5. conduct or appoint an investigator to conduct an investigation,
  6. dismiss the complaint (if trivial or vexatious),
  7. direct that the member be assessed for impairment (HPA Part 6, Section 118).
Can a complaint be dismissed?

Under the HPA, the Complaints Director has authority to dismiss a complaint when it is received if it appears that the case is frivolous or vexatious or if there is no indication that the regulated member or previously regulated member has engaged in unprofessional conduct.

Can I appeal the decision if the Complaints Director dismisses my complaint?

Yes, under the HPA, the complainant can apply in writing to the Hearings Director for a review of the complaint within 30 days after being notified.

Receiving Complaints
As a member, what do I need to know if I have a complaint filed against me?

Some of the most common complaints are for:

  • Unprofessional conduct towards a patient – communication or procedure issues
  • Alcohol or drug abuse while on the job
  • Privacy breaches – accessing files you have no right to access
  • Not following protocols and procedures
  • Hindering patient safety
  • Not complying with the Continuing Competence Program
  • Incompetence or not reaching the standards of the employer
  • Violation of scope of practice
What steps are taken when a complaint is received by the College?

Under section 55(1) of the HPA, the College’s Complaints Director may take the following action with regard to a complaint:

  • Subject to subsection (2.1), may encourage the complainant and the investigated person to communicate with each other and resolve the complaint,
  • Subject to subsection (2.1), may make a referral to an alternative complaint resolution process under Division 2,
  • May request an expert to assess and provide a written report on the subject-matter of the complaint,
  • May conduct, or appoint an investigator to conduct an investigation,
  • If satisfied that the complaint is trivial or vexatious, may dismiss the complaint,
  • If satisfied that there is insufficient or no evidence of unprofessional conduct, may dismiss the complaint, and
  • May make a direction under section 118.
What can I expect from the College?
  1. Within 30 days, the College will notify you of the complaint and may ask you for a response.
  2. The Complaints Director may assign a subject matter expert or appoint an investigator to look into the matter further. You will get notified in writing as to what action is taken. Should an investigation be conducted, witnesses may be questioned and further information may be obtained.
  3. If the Complaints Director reviews the documentation in the complaint and it is not proven to be unprofessional conduct or is trivial or vexatious then the complaint will be dismissed. A dismissal of a complaint will not show on your record.

Please note that if there is a dismissal of the complaint, the complainant has 30 days from time of notification to appeal the decision with the College.

Should the Complaints Director have you complete an Agreement and Undertaking, you will have to comply with a set of requirements outlined in the agreement; for example, taking courses, writing a reflective essay on how your practice relates to the Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics, taking webinars — anything that may apply to resolving your complaint.

An Agreement and Undertaking allows you to work with the College to resolve the matter. Agreement and Undertakings work best when complaints include:

  • Communication issues
  • Misunderstandings
  • Clinical issues
  • Practice management
  • Work relations

Once you have satisfied your obligations to the agreement in the time frame provided, the Complaints Director will close your file.

If a complaint is filed against me, do I need a lawyer?

The College encourages you to get a lawyer if you feel like you need one during this process.

Can I resign if a complaint against me is filed?

If you choose to resign your registration with the College, a complaint can still be filed against you for up to two years and all requirements in the HPA will still apply.

As a member, what implications does a complaint have on me?

Should the College receive an inquiry from any member of the public regarding your complaint history within the next five years, the College will be at liberty to provide a copy of your Agreement and Undertaking.

Should the College receive an inquiry from another regulatory body regarding your complaint history within the next five years, or should the College become aware that you are seeking registration with another regulatory body within the next five years, the College will be at liberty to provide a copy of your Agreement and Undertaking.

Should you fail to comply with the terms of your agreement, the Complaints Director may proceed to refer the Complaint to a Hearing Tribunal pursuant to Part 4 of the HPA, notwithstanding non-adherence to any time limit set out in the HPA.

Should a further complaint be received by the College after the date of your Agreement and Undertaking, and that complaint results in a hearing before a Hearing Tribunal with a finding of unprofessional conduct being made against you, the circumstances surrounding your new complaint may be considered by the Hearing Tribunal for the purposes of determining penalty, regardless of the passage of time.

The College has a duty to be administratively fair and transparent to all parties involved. The College’s primary purpose is the protection of the public and as such must be transparent. Any complaint that leads to a hearing will have the Hearing Tribunal decision posted on the College website for public knowledge.

The College’s objective when publishing these sanctions is to increase and maintain public trust by disclosing the facts of a tribunal’s decision. By publishing these decisions, the College’s intention is to:

  • Comply with the Health Professions Act (HPA),
  • Follow ACMDTT bylaws,
  • Inform Albertans of conditions placed on a member’s permit,
  • Provide Albertans and regulated members with real examples of unprofessional conduct,
  • Reinforce the best practices of MRTs and ENPs, to protect the public interest,
  • Provide insight into the discipline process for members of the public and regulated members who may be going through the discipline process, or are seeking a better understanding of professional conduct, discipline and the role of the College, and
  • Maintain public trust by demonstrating transparency.
Patient Relations Program
Who is eligible to apply for funding?

A patient is eligible if a complaint is made to the College that relates to sexual abuse or sexual misconduct by the technologist.

I have made a complaint to the College regarding the alleged sexual abuse. Do I have to wait until the complaints process has concluded to access the program?

No. You do not have to wait until the complaints process has concluded. You can apply for funding for therapy and counselling at any time.

How do I apply for funding for therapy and counselling?

On receipt of your complaint, the Complaints Director will consider this your application. You will receive written confirmation from the College, including a file number for accessing the program. The College will inform its contracted provider, Homewood Health Inc., who will work with you to find a therapist or counsellor.

If you have a therapist or counsellor, or know who you would like to see, Homewood Health Inc. will provide you with a form that you must take to your therapist or counsellor to complete. They will then submit to Homewood Health Inc. for payment.

How much funding is available?

The legislation states that the funding can only be provided to a maximum amount of $23,200 or a period of five years, whichever comes first. The five year period begins the day you become eligible for funding.

Are there any restrictions on how I use the funding?

Yes. The funding can only be used to pay for therapy or counselling by a licensed therapist or counsellor, related to matters arising from sexual abuse or sexual misconduct by a technologist.

How do I contact Homewood Health Inc.?

Homewood Health Inc.
Toll-free at 1-866-826-4440
Hours: Monday – Friday; 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (MT)

When calling, you will need the written confirmation we sent you, including your file number. Once you have contacted Homewood Health Inc., they will provide forms for you to fill out and will work with you to find a therapist or counsellor.

How will I know the status of my account, or how much funding remains?

On June 30 of each year, you will be updated on your remaining funds and time period remaining. You may also request this information from Homewood Health Inc. at any time.

What else should I know about Patient Relations Program funding?

You and your therapist or counsellor must keep all information obtained in setting up the funding confidential. Being eligible for funding does not automatically mean the technologist is guilty of professional misconduct.

What happens if my complaint is dismissed or the hearing tribunal finds my technologist not guilty?

Funds cease if the complaint is dismissed. However, you may continue with your therapy or counselling at your own cost.

Will my technologist find out if I’m getting funding for counselling and therapy?

If your technologist is found guilty of sexual abuse or sexual misconduct by a Hearing Tribunal, we may seek to recover the costs of your therapy from them. In this case, they will become aware that you have accessed the Patient Relations Program.

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