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So far cblack has created 38 blog entries.

CCP and the Importance of Compliance: Regulatory Education Session | Feb. 22, 2025


The College’s Continuing Competence Program (CCP) is the focus of our upcoming Regulatory Education Session on Saturday, February 22, 2025. Jason Kully from Field Law will give a presentation on the importance of CCP compliance and why CCP participation is a must for every registrant. The second session clarifies how to navigate and record your learning in the College’s freshly developed “My CCP” platform on My Profile. Addressing your important CCP questions is the College’s Director of Practice and [...]

CCP and the Importance of Compliance: Regulatory Education Session | Feb. 22, 20252025-02-04T15:26:06-07:00

Audit on Professional Liability Insurance affects 530 Registrants


For selected individuals, an audit is coming soon to ensure College registrants have personal Professional Liability Insurance (PLI). On their renewal or registration application form, registrants declared they would have personal PLI in place that meets College requirements. The audit will confirm that this statement is true or ensure it is true by the end of the audit process. The College expects registrants will find the audit process quick and easy. It requires completing a short form and [...]

Audit on Professional Liability Insurance affects 530 Registrants2025-01-28T13:12:00-07:00

Statement On Edmonton Sonographer Facing Sexual Assault Charge


The Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists (the College) is deeply concerned with the charges laid against an Edmonton sonographer, Aasim Syed Ahmed, regarding the sexual assault of a patient at his clinic.The College is committed to the protection of public safety and promotion of the public interest within its regulatory sphere. Regulation has invaluable benefits for members of the profession and the public, including managing complaints of unprofessional conduct.Right now, diagnostic medical sonographers are not regulated [...]

Statement On Edmonton Sonographer Facing Sexual Assault Charge2025-01-24T16:06:05-07:00

Your Expertise Matters: Elevate Your Career by Joining Council


Are you committed to safeguarding the public interest and ensuring the integrity of your profession? The College is seeking dedicated professionals to join our Council. This is a unique opportunity to contribute to the public's trust in medical diagnostic and therapeutic technology by regulating and overseeing the profession to ensure it meets the highest standards of safety, competence and ethics. We have exciting opportunities available for two positions starting July 1, 2025, for: an Electroneurophysiologist (ENP) (3-year term) [...]

Your Expertise Matters: Elevate Your Career by Joining Council2025-01-06T15:39:55-07:00

MRT and ENP Practice Permits expire Dec. 31 unless Renewed for 2025


With the year drawing to a close, it's important for our registrants to complete their practice permit renewal for 2025 and for their managers and employers to know that, unless renewed, their practice permits expire on December 31, 2024. The vast majority of College registrants renewed by the November 30 deadline. Submit Renewal before Dec. 15 to avoid delays To those registrants who haven't renewed: To avoid delays in receiving your 2025 practice permit, submit your Renewal before [...]

MRT and ENP Practice Permits expire Dec. 31 unless Renewed for 20252024-12-12T16:09:19-07:00

Understanding Consent at next Regulatory Education Session, Nov. 16, 2024


Join us for an engaging presentation on the principles of consent in healthcare with Jason Kully, a partner at Field LLP, at our next Regulatory Education Session on Saturday, November 16. Jason will discuss the differences between consent and informed consent, the importance of proper documentation, and the consequences of a failure to obtain appropriate consent. He’ll also address capacity in emergencies and with incapacitated patients, aiming to empower you to confidently navigate these situations while upholding patient rights [...]

Understanding Consent at next Regulatory Education Session, Nov. 16, 20242024-10-28T14:29:52-06:00

Registrants to Renew Permit for 2025 by Nov. 30


Attention all MRT and ENP registrants: It's time to renew your practice permit for 2025. Your current practice permit will expire on December 31, 2024. Those holding a general practice permit may renew starting Oct. 1, while those with a temporary practice permit will be notified directly. The annual renewal process is a crucial legal obligation for all medical radiation technologists (MRTs) and electroneurophysiology technologists (ENPs) practicing in Alberta. Registrants are strongly encouraged to complete their renewal by [...]

Registrants to Renew Permit for 2025 by Nov. 302024-10-04T15:52:34-06:00

Renewal’s Latest Upgrades Promise a More Efficient Experience


After receiving feedback on last year’s Renewal process, you can expect notable upgrades this year to elevate your experience, ease frustration, and protect your practice.The biggest changes include removing supervisor approvals and requiring personal Professional Liability Insurance.UpgradesNo More Supervisor ApprovalsThe most significant change impacting 80% of our registrants is that we no longer require your supervisor’s sign-off on the renewal of your Additional or Enhanced Practice Authorization(s). This will significantly speed up the approval of your Renewal.An audit process [...]

Renewal’s Latest Upgrades Promise a More Efficient Experience2024-11-25T10:38:36-07:00

Minor Bylaw Revisions Address Council Terms


The Council of the Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists (the College) recently approved the following minor bylaw revisions.   Read Bylaws The updated document has the following changes:  The name of the Nominations Committee was changed to the Selection Committee.   A new section was added on Council candidate appointments.   Added flexibility to Council composition to ensure appropriate council turnover.  Set Council officer terms to one year.   Addressed Council midterm vacancies. 

Minor Bylaw Revisions Address Council Terms2024-08-27T14:57:46-06:00

Complete your Continuing Competence Program by Aug. 31 or risk $150 Levy


For College registrants, it's time to check you've completed your Continuing Competence Program (CCP). Have you documented everything you've learned and completed your self-reflection? (Don't forget to include your learning hours!) You’ll want to avoid the $150 penalty by finishing before the August 31 deadline. For most registrants, 24 learning hours is required. (See 'Total Learning Hours Required'.) Complete guidance is available on how to: conduct a self-assessment, find learning activities, and record and reflect on your learning [...]

Complete your Continuing Competence Program by Aug. 31 or risk $150 Levy2024-08-08T11:55:47-06:00
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