Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists

Decisions of the Hearing Tribunal

2021 Decisions of the Hearing Tribunal

Jeffrey Wolff – Hearing Tribunal Decision and Orders – May 12, 2021

2017 CCP Hearings

In 2017, five College members were directed into hearings because their declarations of compliance with their 2015/16 continuing competence requirements were not true, and they had not completed their 2015/16 CCP obligations, and despite multiple attempts at remediation over an extended period, they did not engage professionally with the College to resolve these issues.

Below are redacted copies of the decisions and orders of the Hearing Tribunal. In all hearings, the Hearing Tribunal made findings of unprofessional conduct on all of the allegations presented by the College.

The orders include all or some of the following penalties:

  • A period of suspension of between 10-14 days.
  • Full costs of the hearing to a maximum of between $10,000-$15,000.
  • Mandatory CCP audit to be directed for the next two cycles.
  • Mandatory completion of the Regulation Education Module.
  • An essay reflecting on the responsibilities of a regulated member of the College including:
    • Compliance with the Continuing Competence Program
    • Being candid, forthright and honest in all dealings with the College and its staff
    • Cooperating with investigations conducted under the Health Professions Act and responding to correspondence received from the College in a timely manner

We advise members that compliance with CCP is legally mandated, and as evidenced by these findings of unprofessional conduct, this is enforceable. The College will always endeavour to support members in understanding their regulatory obligations, but we remind you that it is your responsibility as a regulated professional to know what your regulatory responsibilities are.

2017 General Hearings

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