Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists

Decision-Making Tool

Question #3a

Have I completed the necessary training and received College authorization?


The training for many restricted activities is provided in your initial College-approved educational program, and you are automatically authorized by the College to perform them as a regulated member. In order to perform restricted activities considered enhanced practice or requiring additional authorization, however, you must first complete advanced training approved by Council. Approved programs can be found on the Additional and Enhanced Practice Authorization page. Once you’ve completed the training, you must seek authorization from the College before you perform the restricted activity. When all requirements have been satisfied, the College will add the authorization to your practice permit indicating the achievement of an enhanced practice skill set.

Enhanced practice is when you perform restricted activities that are not primarily authorized for the area of practice in which you’re registered. Examples include CT and Contrast Media (nuclear medicine technologists), Enhanced Gastrointestinal Fluoroscopy (radiological technologists), Ictal SPECT Injection (electroneurophysiology technologists), Magnetic Resonance in Radiation Therapy (radiation therapists), Medication Administration (radiological technologists, magnetic resonance technologists) and Quantitative Computed Tomography (nuclear medicine technologists).

Additional authorizations differ from enhanced practice in that the additional competencies/restricted activities are included in your specialty’s section of the regulation. Examples include Automated Breast Ultrasound and Breast Ultrasound (radiological technologists), Bladder Ultrasound (radiation therapists), Intraoperative Monitoring and Needle Authorization (electroneurophysiology technologists) and Venipuncture (radiological technologists, magnetic resonance technologists, radiation therapists).

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