Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists

Council Nominations

Serving on Council has given me a unique opportunity to make a difference in my profession and the Albertans that we serve. It has also provided me with phenomenal personal development opportunities that I will continue to use throughout my career and personal life.

– Jessica Cherwick, ENP, past Council member

Would you like to make a positive difference in public protection and the practice of the professions regulated through the Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists (the College)?

Volunteering on Council is a great way to impact how the professions serve Albertans. Meetings are held virtually and in-person when possible. The College provides training and pays travel and accommodations expenses.

Current Opportunities

As of January 2024, the current vacant position is for a registrant practicing Radiation Therapy.

The selected nominee will fill one position with a three-year term beginning on July 1, 2024, and ending on June 30, 2027.

Nominations and appointments process

MRT and ENP registrants nominate themselves for appointment to Council through an application process.

The Nominations Committee will assess and interview applicants to ensure they meet the requirements of the Health Professions Act (HPA), bylaws and Council policy and make recommendations to Council on appointments for the vacant position. Appointments are based on applicant’s specific attributes and competencies, which include experience, knowledge, and skills.

Nominations and all related processes are confidential; only the names of appointed members are published.

Council’s Role

  • Ensure that the College carries out its activities in a manner that serves the public interest
  • Ensure compliance with legislated requirements
  • Set the strategic direction of the College, its bylaws and governance policies

For Council Members

  • An opportunity to impact how the professions serve Albertans
  • Governance training and professional development opportunities
  • Insight and involvement with key statutory committees and Council Workgroups

Council Information

  • In accordance with the Bylaws, Council consists of six regulated members and six public members appointed by the Alberta government.
  • Council meetings take place five times per year. Each meeting includes ongoing education, mentoring and the opportunity to network with peers from other specialties within the College.
  • Meetings may be held by web conference and/or in person.
    • Meetings held by web conference are typically 1.5 to 3 hours in length.
    • In-person meetings are held in Edmonton on a Saturday. All travel, meals, and accommodation expenses for attending Council meetings are covered by the College.
  • Council has subgroups of members who focus on different aspects of the Council mandate: the Finance and Audit Workgroup, the Governance Workgroup, the CEO Evaluation Workgroup and the Nominations Committee.
    • Workgroups consist of Council members, and the Nominations Committee consists of Council members and non-Council members.
    • Workgroup and Committee meetings typically take place every 6 to 8 weeks by web conference for approximately 1.5 hours.
    • Council members receive an honorarium at the end of each Council year.

If you’re interested in joining Council, please submit a completed confidential application by February 29, 2024 using the online submission form.

The Nominations Committee will interview applicants and recommend successful applicants to Council for the purposes of appointing them to Council.

Council policy GP-7: Code of Conduct

Council Meeting Visitor Guidelines

Upcoming Council Meetings

  • February 10, 2024
  • April 20, 2024
  • July 20, 2024 (virtual)
  • September 21, 2024
  • November 23, 2024

Workgroup and committee information

The Governance Workgroup monitors and develops governance policies, bylaws and any other documents required by Council from time to time to meet its mandate.

The Finance and Audit Workgroup focuses on the qualitative aspects of financial reporting and organizational process to manage business/financial risk and compliance with all applicable legal, ethical, and regulatory requirements.

The Nominations Committee ensures a high standard of governance by encouraging and identifying prospective applicants for vacant Council positions. Members of this committee assess all applicants and make recommendations to Council on appointments for vacant positions.


Being a part of Council has been instrumental for my personal and professional development. It has also allowed me to build meaningful professional relationships with the other phenomenal Council members who motivate me to continuously learn each and every day.

— Omer Hussein, MRT(R), Council chair

I first became involved with the College when a member of the Nominations Committee contacted me to ask if I would consider putting my name forward to be nominated. Until that time, I had not even considered joining Council. To be honest, it had not occurred to me that I would have the skills to be a Council member. But truly, if you care about protecting the public, which is really our patients, and are willing to review documents and contribute to the deliberations of Council for decision-making, you are well on your way to having the skills to be an effective Council member. Through time on Council and the education provided, you will learn a lot more about College work and the responsibilities as a regulatory body and how the government affects the work of the College and what we are permitted to do. You will develop many other skills that are useful in your work and personal life and an added benefit is that you have an opportunity to form lasting friendships as you get to know other Council members.

I personally have loved my time on Council and appreciate all the learning. As I am committed to lifelong learning, the experience on Council has been rewarding and fulfilling. I know the work of Council affects every practitioner in our College and I take this responsibility very seriously. If you are even considering becoming involved, I suggest reaching out to a current volunteer in the role to discuss the responsibilities of the role. I have found it very rewarding and I would highly recommend taking a chance as I think you would find that there is a lot of satisfaction in volunteering.

— Gail Astle, MRT(R), Council member and chair of the Governance Workgroup

Serving on Council has given me a unique opportunity to make a difference in my profession and the Albertans that we serve. It has also provided me with phenomenal personal development opportunities that I will continue to use throughout my career and personal life.

— Jessica Cherwick, ENP, past Council member

My first introduction to Council was via a colleague. He spoke with such enthusiasm and commitment to the good of what the College stood for. I wanted to know where my money was going (pretty sure I’m not alone in this), so I decided to put my name forward for a Council position and find out first hand.

It didn’t take me long to appreciate the “behind the scenes” work of the College. I enjoy the collaborative efforts of Council and having a voice in helping to ensure that “we” (our professions) provide quality care to our patients.

The professional connections, the regulatory education, networking with other professions under our College umbrella, and the friendships, only add to the experience around the table. Council members are treated very well.

So if you’ve ever wondered about the workings of our College and Council, consider nominating yourself. It’s so worthwhile!

— Wendy Read, past Council president and retired radiation therapist

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