
2019 Standards of Practice

Posted: July 14, 2019
CATEGORY: News, Regulation

The 2019 Standards of Practice will represent the expected minimum level of performance for members and reflect delivery of safe, competent and ethical care to patients. These Standards are mandatory for all members of the College across all contexts of professional practice.

The Standards serve a variety of purposes for stakeholders, both internal and external to the professions of medical radiation technology and electroneurophysiology technology, such as:

  • The College uses the Standards to outline standards/expectations for evaluation of quality of professional practice and inform processes to review professional practice and conduct of regulated members.
  • Educators use the Standards in the design of education programs and practice assessments, in conjunction with entry-to-practice competency statements.
  • Managers/employers use the Standards to guide development of job descriptions/roles and performance evaluations.
  • Other health professionals use the Standards to learn about roles of those regulated by the College and enhance collaborative practice.
  • The public uses the Standards to learn about what patients can expect when receiving services.
  • Regulated members of the College use the Standards to provide guidance for exemplary practice and a framework for patient care; to enhance the culture of professionalism; and provide the basis for self-monitoring processes and to facilitate continued learning initiatives.

The College reviews and updates the Standards every five years and plans to release the 2019 Standards of Practice by September 1, 2019.


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