
The Workstation – Danielle B.

Posted: July 14, 2019
CATEGORY: Learning, News

Hello and welcome to a new component of the newsletter. The intent of this section is to be a platform for the sharing of information.

This information can be one of interesting topics, new ideas to educate, workplace commonalities, or other facets of patient care that can impact us all…or not.

The content is up to us…Also, to be included are some of the aspects that are on the forefront of our profession that are worthy of discussion.

The topics explored are meant to be professional, honest and kind.

Our first thought with this forum was to interview a member (grandfathered) from Diagnostic Medical Sonography.

Meet Danielle B., Lead Sonographer, SDI Imaging, Calgary.
Specialties: Generalist, Vascular, MSK

What first attracted you to Sonography?

I like to work independently, within a team structure. Sonography is a field that you are continually learning, with every patient, every day. The images I supply create a story, or snapshot of the objective the primary care physician is trying to solve.

What does your best day look like?

Challenging cases that lead you to a plausible solution to the patient’s concerns and working in a team environment that supports the best outcome for the patient.

Who are the members of your Team?

The team that I am proud to be a member of include the following individuals:

  • Clerical staff…who keep the patients, and us informed.
  • Fellow Sonographers…those who support and share tips and tricks of the profession. As well as sharing the diversity of backgrounds to enhance the patient outcome.
  • Radiologists…Every day, every case, they support us, challenge us and even make us laugh a little.
  • Cleaning Staff…Without them we could never be able to provide a clean environment for our patients, and us.
  • Google…Without Google, how would we ever decipher some of those obscure terms?

If you could have extra time in a day, what would you do with this time?

I would schedule, perhaps once a week, an open brainstorming session with all team members.

Repetitive Strain Disorders are very common amongst sonographers, what do you do to prevent this?

At the beginning of the day I perform stretches, focussing on my back, shoulders and hips. Throughout the day I am conscious that the patients are close to me so I try not to overreach.

If you could make one suggestion to those entering this profession, what would it be?

Ask questions, lots of them. Be responsible for your education.

Thank you, Danielle, for your insight on one of the professions that will soon be regulated by the ACMDTT.

As mentioned above, this is your space. If you have any suggestions or wish to share something with fellow members, please contact the College at

May the force be with you.

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