
ENP Week 2020

Posted: April 19, 2020

Happy Electroneurophysiology Technologist (ENP) Week! All this week (April 19-25, 2020), we’re celebrating these valued healthcare professionals. ENPs are an integral part of your family’s healthcare team:

  • ENPs are skilled professionals who perform electroencephalograms (EEG), evoked potential examinations and intraoperative monitoring.
  • ENPs are well trained! They have to complete an approved educational program and pass a national certifying exam before they’re allowed to register with our College and practice in Alberta.
  • ENPs are held to high standards! Our College provides Standards of Practice and a Code of Ethics that help guide ENPs’ decisions and actions at work.
  • ENPs are always learning! They’re required to spend a minimum number hours engaging in learning activities every year in order to renew their registration, so you can be confident you’re receiving competent care from a professional who continually advances their knowledge and capabilities.

While ENP Week is only celebrated once a year, we recognize and appreciate the hard work and dedication of our ENPs all year round. Thank you for your important contribution to our care!


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