
Public Members’ Report – 2022 Annual Report

Posted: August 4, 2023
CATEGORY: Annual Report, News

The following report is an excerpt from the 2022 Annual Report of the Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists:

Strain in the health care system impacts all those working within it, and 2022 was no exception.

To the MRTs and ENPs who persist in their professionalism while performing invaluable service to Albertans, we acknowledge and thank you. We admire your resilience in working through the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic and accompanying health system challenges. You make a tremendous impact every day in the lives of your patients with your compassion, skill, and expertise.

We also extend appreciation to those registrants who uphold professional regulatory processes through their volunteerism. The diligent work of those who participate on our many regulated committees and Council improves the profession year after year.

As public members of Council, we’re proud to report that the College continues to meet multiple challenges confidently, optimistically, and with an eye to the future.

Work continues on compliance with government regulations to refine the College’s focus on public protection, including public representation and competency-based Council appointments. Members with in-depth knowledge, expert skills, and diverse perspectives are invaluable to the decision-making process.

Amendments to the Health Professions Act and other legislation continued to guide significant projects during the year. Until now, the frameworks for the College’s Restricted Activities and Continuing Competence Program were set out in the Regulation. In 2023, those frameworks will be removed from the Regulation and added to our Standards of Practice. As a result, the College is developing and consulting with registrants on a revised Standard 2.3 on Restricted Activities and a new Standard 6.0 on the Continuing Competence Program. Another update to the Bylaws to align with these amendments is also in process.

Bill 46 has helped shape our focus on being the province’s regulator of diagnostic and therapeutic professionals. The responsibility of being a regulator has helped us define and hone our mission of ensuring Albertans receive safe, competent, and ethical care by the professionals we regulate. It is a job we are honoured to contribute to alongside our regulated Council Members. We also acknowledge that it would not be possible to carry out our mission without all the hard-working and upstanding professionals that are part of our College, who carry out this mission every day in their workplaces across Alberta.

Looking forward to 2023, we’re focused on our continued responsibility of bringing the public’s perspective to the decision-making process.

Terence Bunce, Samantha Georgsen, John Liu, and Wilma Slenders
ACMDTT Council Public Members

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