
Member emails added to My Profile

Posted: September 17, 2021

The College’s database and member portal upgrade project is nearing completion, and there was a new feature recently introduced to My Profile that members may find helpful: high-importance emails sent from the College through the member portal are now available on a new “My emails” page.

Email is the main method we use to communicate with our members; however, we sometimes hear from members that they did not receive important messages we sent. There are many reasons an email might not make it into a member’s inbox, so the College has added the “My emails” page to My Profile to provide members an alternative method to access important messages. We recommend that you periodically check this page to make sure you haven’t missed any important communications.

Please note that not all communications from the College will appear on this page. We send the most critical notices through the member portal, including but not limited to the following:

  • Any notice or communication pertaining to a specific member’s registration (e.g., approval of registration application/renewal/change, notice of intent to suspend or cancel, notice of suspension or cancellation, request for documentation or review of information pertaining to an application or profile update)
  • Initial notification of the annual registration renewal system opening sent to all members
  • Notification of incomplete CCP sent to all members who have not completed it

For other communications that are still important but not critical to a member’s registration, the College often uses an email service like Constant Contact or emails members directly. These types of messages include but are not limited to the following:

  • Updates about legislation and the College’s operations
  • College newsletters
  • Reminders about renewal sent to all members who have not yet renewed
  • All replies to member emails

While the most important emails will now be available through My Profile, it is still necessary to ensure the email account you use is one you have consistent access to and check regularly. We strongly recommend using a personal email address rather than a work or school email address because messages we send may include sensitive information, and because large organizations often have very strict security protocols on their email servers that can block our emails before they even reach your account. It also ensures you will continue to receive emails from the College and maintain access to previous communications if you move to a different employer or take a leave of absence. Most College emails are sent from and, so please add these email addresses to your contact/safe sender list and regularly check your junk/spam/promotions folder to make sure you don’t miss any important messages.

Current additional and enhanced practice authorizations

Another new feature that was recently added to My Profile is the ability to view current additional and enhanced practice authorizations. Previously, members could only view their current authorizations by downloading their practice permit PDF or viewing their registration on the public register. Now this information also appears on a member’s “My profile” page. This change also makes applying for new authorizations more intuitive because this is done through a profile update.

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