
How MRTs and ENPs Benefit from Bill 46 Changes

Posted: October 28, 2022

The College’s focus is to regulate medical radiation technologists (MRTs) and electroneurophysiology technologists (ENPs) to provide safe, competent, and ethical care to Albertans. This has come into sharper clarity in recent years through compliance with the requirements of Bill 46, which obligated the College to refine its focus on the public interest.

Though Bill 46 caused the College to end several programs and events, many more have begun, and registrants directly benefit from these changes.

More convenient, less costly learning

Several new services are now more accessible across the province, such as customized, zero or low-cost online education fully connected to regulatory requirements. These services include creating four regulatory education Learning Modules and developing spring and fall Regulatory Education Symposiums.

For you, the advantages are many:

  • Eliminating costly travel-related expenses.
  • Reducing time away from family, work, and activities.
  • Making learning dates and times more convenient for your schedule.
  • Adding to learning options for your Continuing Competence Program.

The College hopes you take advantage of all available learning opportunities.

More practice support

The College’s renewed focus is creating professional advantages as well. This includes the development of professional practice documentation. This work supports registrants’ continuing competence by illuminating complex practices to guide members, supervisors, and the health system.

A recent example is the Social Media Guidelines which take principles from the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice and describes how to meet them in your professional life.

Another prime example is the Decision-Making Toolkit. This online tool includes a series of questions to guide the regulated member in determining if a specific activity is appropriate and safe for them to perform. It also provides descriptions of and links to key ACMDTT regulatory documents to consult for additional information.

More foundational focus

Finally, we cannot forget that improvements to the foundational regulatory work of the College are always in progress. Key among these is the Public Registry which assures Albertans that they are being served by regulated health professionals. Others include the regular updates to the registration and member platform, the public platform, the Continuing Competence Program and its platform, and systems to manage professional conduct proceedings.

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