
Fall 2019 Student Presentations

Posted: December 20, 2019

The Strategic Plan approved by the Council provides the College direction to “connect and inspire members to foster and instill commitment to both the public and the practice of the profession.” In line with this direction, the College has an outreach program for its student members. The program inspires students to get involved in their profession through the conference and participation in branch activity, completing the Regulations Education Module and contacting College staff directly regarding professional practice.

The College met with magnetic resonance, radiological technology, nuclear medicine, diagnostic medical sonography and radiation therapy students at NAIT, SAIT and University of Alberta. Our Director of Education and Competence, Alefiyah Gulamhusein, and Director of Policy and Practice, Ugie Ifesi, delivered presentations and held conversations about the legislative framework, the importance of self-regulation, and the College – the registration process, the continuing competence program, and the complaints process. The event ended with a 15-question Kahoot! game and prizes. Based on the survey collected from all students, the events were successful.


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