
2023 Annual Report: Transformation and Continuity

Posted: June 17, 2024

“…2024 marked a critical turning point for our College, with changes stemming from legislation to leadership. These changes presented both opportunities for renewal and challenges of continuity. – Message from the Leadership

The Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists (the College) is thrilled to announce the release of its 2023 Annual Report, which provides insight into a year dedicated to public safety, legislative compliance, and professional excellence.


  • An address from our leadership on navigating change and upholding our commitment to regulatory excellence.
  • A decade of registration statistics illustrating the growth of our specialties.
  • Key legislative changes impacting our Regulation, Standards of Practice, and Bylaws.
  • A heartfelt farewell to the outgoing College Registrar and CEO, alongside a warm welcome to their successor.
  • The introduction of a modernized Strategic Plan from our Council for 2023-2026, guiding our path forward.
  • Initiatives to safeguard the public against Female Genital Mutilation, demonstrating our dedication to ethical care.
  • An updated Electroneurophysiology Technologists Competency Profile, ensuring our professionals meet the highest standards of practice.
  • Discover more in our messages from leadership and Council’s Public Members; reports on registration, continuing competence, and professional conduct; and the independent auditor’s report with financial statements.


We acknowledge the vital work completed in the public interest and thank those involved, including Council members, Committee participants, volunteers, staff, and consultants, for making it possible.

About the College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists

The Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists is a regulatory body established under the Health Professions Act (HPA) to protect the public. The College regulates five distinct health professional groups (specialties) under two umbrella groups: medical radiation technologists (MRTs) and electroneurophysiology technologists (ENPs). The specialties we regulate include radiological technologists, radiation therapists, nuclear medicine technologists, magnetic resonance technologists and electroneurophysiology technologists.


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