
Do you see what I see?


Author: Sherri Priestly, MRT(R) Have you ever had a frustrating interaction with an orthopedic surgeon? Unfortunately, it has been my experience as an x-ray tech that this happens on a regular basis. Recently, I have been reflecting about this and asking why. Why is there frustration and tension between x-ray techs and orthopedic surgeons? Aren’t we all on the same team? Don’t we have the same goals? One goal that we share is our concern for patient outcomes, what [...]

Do you see what I see?2024-03-08T09:44:33-07:00

Artificial Intelligence and Medical Imaging


Author: Jonathan Schaeffer Artificial Intelligence (AI) seems to be a popular media topic these days, and with good reason. The past decade has seen a phenomenal growth in deployed AI applications, many of which are having or will soon be having profound effects on society. Three are three things driving the rapid advances in the field: Fast, inexpensive, and plentiful computers (i.e., speed); Lots of data (i.e., storage/memory); and Data analysis (i.e., learning). This is the technology triumvirate of [...]

Artificial Intelligence and Medical Imaging2024-03-08T09:51:34-07:00

The Workstation – Danielle B.


Hello and welcome to a new component of the newsletter. The intent of this section is to be a platform for the sharing of information. This information can be one of interesting topics, new ideas to educate, workplace commonalities, or other facets of patient care that can impact us all…or not. The content is up to us…Also, to be included are some of the aspects that are on the forefront of our profession that are worthy of discussion. The [...]

The Workstation – Danielle B.2024-03-08T09:57:02-07:00
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