
Annual Registration Renewal 2021


Registration renewal for 2021 opened on October 1. General and associate members’ current registration will expire on December 31, 2020, and they need to log in to the online member portal, My Profile, to complete their renewal by November 30, 2020. So far, approximately 13% of our members have already completed their renewal. We encourage all members who have not yet renewed to read the information on the Annual Renewal page and consult the Registration Renewal 2021 Information Guide as needed to make the [...]

Annual Registration Renewal 20212024-03-01T14:06:13-07:00

Behind the Desk – Alana L.


In this edition of Behind the Desk, we would like to introduce to you Alana L., who works at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Grande Prairie as an MRI Lead in Diagnostic Imaging. How did you decide MRI as career path for you? During my radiography training, I had a mentor in MRI scanning who encouraged me to consider MRI as a modality in the future. At the time, MRI was a new emerging technology and it looked really [...]

Behind the Desk – Alana L.2024-03-07T10:36:25-07:00

A Conversation with Sharon McDonnell-Carline


We recently interviewed Sharon McDonnell-Carline, RET, REPT, CNIM, Senior Technologist in the Neurophysiology Department at the University of Alberta Hospital. Watch a short video on her advice to new technologists and benefits of self-regulation on YouTube.

A Conversation with Sharon McDonnell-Carline2024-03-07T10:41:15-07:00

An Insight into the Potential Challenges and Solutions to Scanning Patients Suffering from Mental Illnesses


Authors: Tessa Roy, CRGS, CRCS, RDMS, RDCS Mental illness encompasses an array of conditions that affect a large population; This essay aims to identify various sonography-related challenges posed by patients suffering from mental illnesses and offers insight into potential solutions. By identifying realistic interpersonal and intrapersonal barriers, one can become educated in potential skills and techniques to relieve such challenges. Read the article (PDF)

An Insight into the Potential Challenges and Solutions to Scanning Patients Suffering from Mental Illnesses2024-03-07T10:33:24-07:00

LADiBUG – A Communication Tool for Diagnostic Imaging – Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences


Authors: Colleen McHugh, MRT(R), ACR, Katie Bevans, MRT(R), and Suzanne Paradis, BMRSc, CRGS, RDMS As healthcare evolves, so should the way healthcare professionals deliver care to focus on the needs of patients and family members. One of the ways to provide patient and family centered care (PFCC) is through effective communication between the healthcare professional, patient, and family member. Read the article  

LADiBUG – A Communication Tool for Diagnostic Imaging – Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences2024-03-07T10:30:57-07:00

2019-20 Continuing Competence Program Audit


Every year, the College conducts the Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Audit to ensure regulated members are complying with the program. The COVID-19 pandemic has posed many challenges for MRTs and ENPs this year, and the College made adjustments to both the CCP requirements and the way the CCP Audit was conducted for the 2019-20 cycle to address these challenges. In recognition of the time regulated members spent learning and adapting to new information and developing skills and competencies through [...]

2019-20 Continuing Competence Program Audit2024-03-01T14:14:51-07:00

Member Portal Update


As our members renew their registration using the new renewal system, the College is continuing to roll out further upgrades to the online member portal. We are pleased to announce that Alberta graduates and Canadian transfer applicants are now able to apply for general registration online, which significantly streamlines the process and improves the application experience for future technologists. Online applications for temporary registration, general registration for internationally educated technologists and student membership will soon be available as well. [...]

Member Portal Update2024-03-01T14:06:57-07:00

2020 ACMDTT Membership Meeting and Education Event


Save the date! Our annual membership meeting is taking place on Saturday, November 21, 2020. This entirely virtual event will also feature two great education sessions: a SAIT certified workshop on communication skills and a presentation on privacy and professionalism. Members who attend the entire event are eligible to claim three hours of learning activities for their CCP, and Sonography Canada has approved the event for 3 CPD points. Please check your email next week for an invitation to [...]

2020 ACMDTT Membership Meeting and Education Event2024-03-01T14:17:48-07:00

COVID-19 Update October 2020


This year has been challenging for everyone due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but we have done our best to adapt to circumstances as they have changed. Our staff continue to work remotely where possible and we have limited the number of people allowed in the office at one time. All of our meetings are held virtually, including those involving members like the upcoming annual membership meeting and branch education events. While we are unable to anticipate what next year [...]

COVID-19 Update October 20202024-03-01T14:08:59-07:00

Legislation Changes


On July 6, 2020, the Government of Alberta announced upcoming changes to the Health Professions Act through the Bill 30 Health Statutes Amendment Act. Bill 30 requires all health professional regulatory colleges in Alberta to increase public member representation on their councils, hearing tribunals and complaint review committees from the current 25 percent to 50 percent of the total members. The Bill passed into law on July 29, 2020. It will take effect April 1, 2021. At this time, the government is [...]

Legislation Changes2024-03-01T14:07:43-07:00
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