
ENP Week 2020


Happy Electroneurophysiology Technologist (ENP) Week! All this week (April 19-25, 2020), we’re celebrating these valued healthcare professionals.

ENP Week 20202020-04-19T07:03:46-06:00

Spring 2020 issue of Connections released


The Spring 2020 issue of our quarterly newsletter, Connections, has been released! You can view the email version or check it out on our website if you’re not on our mailing list. Please contact us if you have any feedback on the newsletter or if you would like to contribute to a future issue.

Spring 2020 issue of Connections released2020-04-15T15:32:23-06:00

CONNECT 2020 cancelled


Due to the evolving situation with the coronavirus (COVID-19) and following the mandate of Alberta’s Chief Medical Officer, and the advice of the Public Health Agency of Canada on mass gatherings during the outbreak, we have made the decision to cancel the CONNECT 2020 conference scheduled for May 1-2 in Calgary.

CONNECT 2020 cancelled2020-03-13T14:56:09-06:00

Continuing Competence Program Five-Year Review


College regulation states that in each registration year, a self-regulating professional needs to complete the Continuing Competence Program (CCP). The CCP requires that a regulated member complete, in each registration year, a reflective practice review that consists of a self-assessment, a learning plan, and a minimum of 24 hours of learning activities with details of how the learning was useful to the professional. The CCP is founded on the assumption that regulated members acquire appropriate skills and knowledge to [...]

Continuing Competence Program Five-Year Review2024-03-08T10:31:23-07:00

Using Artificial Intelligence for Stroke in the Emergency Setting


Authors: Andra Morrison, Canadian Agency for Drugs and Technologies in Health (CADTH) Artificial intelligence (AI) can help us in our everyday lives – from improving our email communications, to searching the web, even recommending products or music we might enjoy. In health care, AI is improving the way we detect illnesses or certain health conditions. But what about the use of AI in medical imaging? CADTH’s Health Technology Update newsletter highlights new and emerging health technologies. In Issue 22 [...]

Using Artificial Intelligence for Stroke in the Emergency Setting2024-03-08T10:29:10-07:00
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