
Bill 46 Impact: Bylaws, Standards of Practice


Much of the work the College has done in response to Bill 46 so far has been focused on the mandated separation of colleges and association functions. Over the last few months, however, we have started to prepare for the next phase of Bill 46’s implementation, which will require the development of new or amended college regulations, standards of practice, and bylaws. In February, Council approved the College’s new Bylaws. This revised document follows a template that was created by [...]

Bill 46 Impact: Bylaws, Standards of Practice2024-02-12T16:19:31-07:00

Five Steps to Minimize Privacy Breaches


Alberta Medical Association *College note: While this article is geared toward physicians, it outlines actions that can be taken by any health professional or suggested to management to prevent privacy breaches in clinical settings. Regulatory links: Standards of Practice 2.1 (d), 2.4 (a), 2.5 (a, c, d), 3.1 (a), 4.1 (b, c); Code of Ethics 1 (d, i), 2 (b, d, g), 3 (a, b) Read the article on the AMA website

Five Steps to Minimize Privacy Breaches2024-03-01T10:05:18-07:00

Response to Bill 46 – Current focus: Updating regulatory documents


Much of the work the College has done in response to Bill 46 so far has been focused on the mandated separation of colleges and association functions. Over the last few months, however, we have started to prepare for the next phase of Bill 46’s implementation, which will require the development of new or amended college regulations, standards of practice, and bylaws. In February, Council approved the College’s new Bylaws. This revised document follows a template that was created by [...]

Response to Bill 46 – Current focus: Updating regulatory documents2024-03-01T09:53:45-07:00

Council Appointment 2022


The College is pleased to announce that Mary Buzzing, ENP, has been appointed to Council for the 2022-2025 term, which begins on July 1. Mary has been an ENP technologist since the 1980s and a regulated member of the ACMDTT since its inception in 2005. She brings experience with health care systems in Alberta and abroad, and expertise in interprofessional practice. Mary practices at the Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre and works in the provincial medical facility accreditation system [...]

Council Appointment 20222024-03-01T09:51:25-07:00

Perspectives – Patient Monitoring


Jocelyn is an MRT(R) working in the diagnostic imaging department. She has been asked to set up a patient onto the monitoring equipment (pulse oximeter, BP, and ECG) and monitor the patient’s vital signs using this equipment during a procedure. Is this within Jocelyn’s scope of practice? The College has approval for members to perform some/all of the restricted activities, as identified in the Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists Profession Regulation (the Regulation). Standard 2.1 (Legislation, Standards, and Ethics) in the [...]

Perspectives – Patient Monitoring2024-03-01T10:03:42-07:00

Registration Renewal 2022


The online registration renewal system for 2022 was open from October 1 to December 31, 2021. During that time, 2395 out of 2428 general members and all 12 temporary members renewed their practice permits. This means that close to 99% of all regulated members renewed their practice permits by completing all legally mandated requirements to practice the profession in Alberta in 2022. The College recognizes and appreciates this demonstration of the continued dedication and professionalism of MRTs and ENPs [...]

Registration Renewal 20222024-03-01T09:55:21-07:00

Complaint Themes in 2021


The College receives and manages complaints of unprofessional conduct against regulated members as part of our mandate to protect the public under the Health Professions Act (HPA). Having processes in place to evaluate, investigate and resolve complaints also helps uphold the integrity of the professions of electroneurophysiology and medical radiation technology for the vast majority of regulated members who conduct themselves professionally and ethically when providing care to Albertans. In 2021, the College managed a total of 21 complaints we received [...]

Complaint Themes in 20212024-03-01T09:56:31-07:00

New Council member appointment, bylaws


The College is pleased to announce that Mary Buzzing, ENP, has been appointed to Council for the 2022-2025 term, which begins on July 1. Mary has been an ENP since the 1980s and a regulated member of the College since its inception in 2005. She brings experience with health care systems in Alberta and abroad, and expertise in interprofessional practice. Mary practices at the Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre and works in the provincial medical facility accreditation system through [...]

New Council member appointment, bylaws2022-03-01T10:45:05-07:00

Save the date: Regulatory Education Symposium


Save the date! The College’s next Regulatory Education Symposium is scheduled for Saturday, May 14, 2022. This free virtual event will feature four one-hour learning sessions on a variety of topics mapped to the College’s foundational documents, including the Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics. The tentative program features presentations on the Continuing Competence Program (CCP), equipment quality control, safeguarding personal information and family-centred care. Regulated members who attend the entire event will be eligible to claim up [...]

Save the date: Regulatory Education Symposium2022-03-01T10:30:32-07:00

Response to Bill 46 – Current focus: Divestment of association functions


As the College continues to take steps to comply with the changes introduced by Bill 46, we will share regular updates about our status. The College announced over the summer that our bylaws have been updated to reflect that branches will be dissolved on July 1, 2022. In the meantime, branches will continue to operate as they always have. The College has been working with the branch chairs to provide guidance on the transition and answer any questions they [...]

Response to Bill 46 – Current focus: Divestment of association functions2024-03-01T10:10:48-07:00
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