
Call for Council nominations: 2023 to 2026 term


UPDATE (Sept. 1, 2022): NOMINATIONS ARE NOW CLOSED. Thank you to all applicants. Nominations are now open for four Council positions over the 2023 to 2026 term! We encourage regulated members to nominate themselves if they’re interested in becoming directly involved with the governance of the College. The Nominations Committee will assess and interview applicants and make recommendations to Council on appointments for the vacant positions. We invite regulated members to nominate themselves or encourage colleagues they think would [...]

Call for Council nominations: 2023 to 2026 term2022-07-27T16:16:36-06:00

2021 Annual Report released


The College is pleased to share our 2021 Annual Report, presenting information on how we faced 2021’s challenges and opportunities, what we’ve learned and how we have continued to strengthen our capacity to meet the evolving needs of the public. The report features our activities as well as updates on a variety of areas, including the following: Response to regulatory change Governance and operational performance Relationships with stakeholders, including our members and diverse provincial and national organizations that are [...]

2021 Annual Report released2022-07-22T13:35:42-06:00

Bill 46 Update: Branches


The College’s branches were originally established to provide members opportunities for education, networking and discussion. Amendments to the Health Professions Act (HPA) introduced by Bill 46 require that the College only carry out professional regulatory duties in the public interest, which has a direct impact on branches. The object of branches as stated in the bylaws was to “provide members with a forum for discussion, professional development and networking.” In June 2021, Council carefully reviewed the legislation and received legal advice [...]

Bill 46 Update: Branches2024-02-29T14:06:23-07:00

Perspectives – Students and Temporary Registrants


Connor and Lana are about to begin working at a clinic. Connor is enrolled in a medical radiation technology program and is currently in the clinical practicum portion of his program. Lana has just graduated from a medical radiation technology program but has not yet passed the entry-to-practice examination. What are the College-mandated conditions of their employment? Students do not need to be registered with the College to complete their practicums. As a student, Connor is a “non-regulated worker.” [...]

Perspectives – Students and Temporary Registrants2024-05-02T20:07:47-06:00

New learning modules now available


As the College moves away from providing member services as mandated through Bill 46, we remain committed to providing regulatory education opportunities for our members to enhance their understanding of how health regulation ties into their everyday practice. We are currently in the process of creating online learning modules on a variety of topics with the content mapped to the College’s foundational documents, from the Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics to legislation like the Health Professions Act [...]

New learning modules now available2022-06-09T16:00:24-06:00

Feedback needed on new standard area


Bill 46, the Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2020 (No. 2), introduced a suite of amendments to the Health Professions Act (HPA). Among the amendments are provisions affecting how continuing competence programs are established and operated by regulatory colleges moving forward. The basic framework for the College’s Continuing Competence Program (CCP) is currently set out in the Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists Profession Regulation (the Regulation), and once this amendment of Bill 46 comes into force, that framework will be [...]

Feedback needed on new standard area2022-04-19T13:15:54-06:00

Bill 46 Impact: Bylaws, Standards of Practice


Much of the work the College has done in response to Bill 46 so far has been focused on the mandated separation of colleges and association functions. Over the last few months, however, we have started to prepare for the next phase of Bill 46’s implementation, which will require the development of new or amended college regulations, standards of practice, and bylaws. In February, Council approved the College’s new Bylaws. This revised document follows a template that was created by [...]

Bill 46 Impact: Bylaws, Standards of Practice2024-02-12T16:19:31-07:00

Five Steps to Minimize Privacy Breaches


Alberta Medical Association *College note: While this article is geared toward physicians, it outlines actions that can be taken by any health professional or suggested to management to prevent privacy breaches in clinical settings. Regulatory links: Standards of Practice 2.1 (d), 2.4 (a), 2.5 (a, c, d), 3.1 (a), 4.1 (b, c); Code of Ethics 1 (d, i), 2 (b, d, g), 3 (a, b) Read the article on the AMA website

Five Steps to Minimize Privacy Breaches2024-03-01T10:05:18-07:00

Response to Bill 46 – Current focus: Updating regulatory documents


Much of the work the College has done in response to Bill 46 so far has been focused on the mandated separation of colleges and association functions. Over the last few months, however, we have started to prepare for the next phase of Bill 46’s implementation, which will require the development of new or amended college regulations, standards of practice, and bylaws. In February, Council approved the College’s new Bylaws. This revised document follows a template that was created by [...]

Response to Bill 46 – Current focus: Updating regulatory documents2024-03-01T09:53:45-07:00

Council Appointment 2022


The College is pleased to announce that Mary Buzzing, ENP, has been appointed to Council for the 2022-2025 term, which begins on July 1. Mary has been an ENP technologist since the 1980s and a regulated member of the ACMDTT since its inception in 2005. She brings experience with health care systems in Alberta and abroad, and expertise in interprofessional practice. Mary practices at the Red Deer Regional Hospital Centre and works in the provincial medical facility accreditation system [...]

Council Appointment 20222024-03-01T09:51:25-07:00
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