
Catch all including legislation, bylaws, program changes, and other communications.

New Legislation


As you may be aware, the Government of Alberta has introduced changes to the Health Professions Act (HPA). This is the most significant change to the HPA since it came into force. Introduced as Bill 21 – An Act to Protect Patients, Royal Assent was given on November 19, 2018. Bill 21 speaks specifically to sexual abuse and sexual misconduct by regulated health professionals and introduces a number of new requirements for regulatory health colleges, including us at the College, and its [...]

New Legislation2024-03-08T09:42:05-07:00

Bill 11, Fair Registration Practices Act


On June 19, 2019, the government of Alberta introduced Bill 11, Fair Registration Practices Act. The Act looks to remove barriers for internationally educated professionals in Alberta. It applies to regulated professions and designated trades. The Act will give the Minister of Labour and Immigration the ability to issue compliance orders, request audits on how applications are processed, and reports from the College. The Fair Registration Practices Code, included in the Bill will outline general and specific duties that constitute [...]

Bill 11, Fair Registration Practices Act2024-03-08T09:39:39-07:00

2019 Standards of Practice


The 2019 Standards of Practice will represent the expected minimum level of performance for members and reflect delivery of safe, competent and ethical care to patients. These Standards are mandatory for all members of the College across all contexts of professional practice. The Standards serve a variety of purposes for stakeholders, both internal and external to the professions of medical radiation technology and electroneurophysiology technology, such as: The College uses the Standards to outline standards/expectations for evaluation of quality [...]

2019 Standards of Practice2024-03-08T09:40:46-07:00
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