CCP Overview

CCP Overview2024-05-13T10:00:34-06:00

The public of Alberta, through their elected provincial government, has instituted the Health Professions Act (HPA). The HPA is legislation that governs Alberta’s 30 health regulatory colleges to ensure healthcare professionals are practicing safely, ethically and competently. Health colleges need to implement regulations under the HPA in areas such as registration, continuing competence, professional misconduct and more.

The HPA defines competence as “the combined knowledge, skills, attitudes and judgment required to provide professional services.” The Continuing Competence Program (CCP) of the College requires members to demonstrate commitment to continuing competence. This is demonstrated by meeting the requirements established through the Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists Profession Regulation (the Regulation).

The components for the CCP include:

  • Self-assessment
  • Learning plan
  • Reflective learning activities

This reflective practice review and an annual audit process ensure registered members maintain their competence. It also enhances the provision of safe and competent professional services to the public. The regulated member needs to complete their practice review by the end of the applicable cycle (August 31).

Relevant excerpts of the provincial legislation are provided below:


Continuing competence program

50(1) A council must establish, by regulation, a continuing competence program within 5 years from the date that the schedule to this Act with respect to the profession comes into force.

(2) A continuing competence program

  • (a) must provide for regulated members or categories of regulated members to maintain competence and to enhance the provision of professional services

The Regulation

Renewal requirements

13 A regulated member applying for renewal of the member’s practice permit must provide evidence of

  • (a) having met the continuing competence program requirements set out in this Regulation
Continuing competence program

13.1(1) As part of the continuing competence program, regulated members must complete, in each registration year, a reflective practice review.

CCP Audit Timeline


  • Selected members are notified to participate in the CCP Audit

August 31

  • CCP cycle ends

  • Deadline to have reflective practice review entered in the My CCP online platform

September 1

  • Submission button is available to audited members to submit their information

  • Initial review done by College staff to provide guidance and feedback


  • Competence Committee reviews and decides on audit results

  • Registration renewal starts


  • Members whose audit is unsatisfactory are asked to remediate their CCP in order to renew their registration


  • Non-compliant members are referred to the Complaints Director


  • New registration year starts

  • Those members who have not completed registration renewal (including complying with all requirements) will have their practice permit suspended

If you have any questions about the CCP, please contact the College at 780.487.6130 or

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