
Membership Meeting – 2019

Posted: July 14, 2019

The College’s first Membership Meeting was held on May 11, 2019, at the Mayfield Dinner Theatre in Edmonton. There were 33 registrations through Zoom and over 350 members attending in person.

The Council and Registrar & CEO of the College presented on the activities of the College. These activities included the activities of Council’s Governance Workgroup, the Finance and Audit Workgroup, Financial Statements of the College and the Annual Report. The College also communicated the changes to the College bylaws, registration processes and the public register, which ensures compliance with the new legislation, Bill 21.

Council and the Registrar & CEO answered various questions from members. The College’s Membership Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 a.m. while the online webinar closed at 9:20 a.m. to allow online attendees an opportunity to submit additional questions.

The College sent out a membership meeting survey from May 14, 2019 – May 27, 2019. It identified that over 70% of the members that attended the meeting stated that the Membership Meeting was more successful than past Annual General Meetings.

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