
Membership meetings removed from bylaws

Posted: July 21, 2021

The College is continuing to review our operations and implement changes related to Bill 46. The Health Professions Act (HPA) does not require the College to hold an annual membership meeting, while the Alberta Societies Act, which governs professional associations in the province, does require these types of meetings. This can create confusion about the regulatory role of the College, so Council has determined that membership meetings are an association activity and removed the requirement that the College hold a membership meeting every year from the bylaws.

View the updated bylaws

The main purpose of the annual membership meeting was to keep our members informed about the College’s activities, and we believe it is important to continue doing so in a different format going forward. During the two-day virtual regulatory education event scheduled for this fall, one of the scheduled presentations will be a College update. Members will be welcome to ask questions at the end of the update or provide them to us ahead of time. More details about the event will be shared later this summer.

This College update will include information pulled from our annual report, which is another tool we use to communicate important updates with our members and other stakeholders. The annual report is driven by requirements set by Alberta Health to ensure the College’s accountability and transparency and includes details about registration, complaints, the Continuing Competence Program, our financial statements and more. You can view reports from the last 10 years on the Annual Reports page.


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