Virtual Reality as a Tool for Eliciting Empathetic Behaviour in Carers: An Integrative Review – Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences
Authors: Megan Brydon, Jessica Kimber, Melissa Sponagle, Jenna MacLaine, Julie Avery, Lisa Pyke and Robert Gilbert Empathy is an essential [...]
Professional Practice and Mandatory Registration
The Health Professions Act (HPA) states that every person who meets the College’s registration requirements and intends to practice the profession of [...]
Change to PLI requirement
The College now requires regulated members to hold professional liability insurance (PLI) that covers a minimum of $2,000,000 per occurrence [...]
Current Status of Contrast Enhanced Mammography: A Comprehensive Review – Canadian Association of Radiologists Journal
Author: Anat Kornecki, MD Objectives: The purpose of this article is to provide a detailed and updated review of the [...]
Member emails added to My Profile
Email is the main method we use to communicate with our members; however, we sometimes hear from members that they [...]
Additional and enhanced practice authorization update
In July 2021, Council approved the following training programs for additional and enhanced practice authorizations: Automated Breast Ultrasound – Insight [...]