A Conversation with Susan Fawcett
We recently interviewed Susan Fawcett, MRT(T), BSc(Hons), MA, the director of the Radiation Therapy Program at the University of Alberta. [...]
New database and member portal go live next month
The College is pleased to announce that a new version of our online database and member portal will go live next month after a year of planning, development and testing.
Changes to CCP for 2019-20 cycle
The College recognizes that the current COVID-19 pandemic in Alberta has MRTs and ENPs facing difficult times, including unanticipated job loss and changes in areas of practice.
2019 annual report now available
The Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists 2019 annual report is now available on our website.
ENP Week 2020
Happy Electroneurophysiology Technologist (ENP) Week! All this week (April 19-25, 2020), we’re celebrating these valued healthcare professionals.
Spring 2020 issue of Connections released
The Spring 2020 issue of our quarterly newsletter, Connections, has been released! You can view the email version or check it out on our website if you’re not on our mailing list. Please contact us if you have any feedback on the newsletter or if you would like to contribute to a future issue.