A Positive Formula for Busy Times
Author: Brenda Robinson We live in busy busy times. Our intuitive response is to see this as a problem. We [...]
New Legislation
As you may be aware, the Government of Alberta has introduced changes to the Health Professions Act (HPA). This is the most [...]
Perspectives – Informed Consent
My patient is here for their test, whose responsibility is it for informing the patient of all the risks involved? [...]
Continuing Competence Program – 2019
Your annual practice review consists of a self-assessment, learning plan and reflective learning activities. Here is a list of learning [...]
Bill 11, Fair Registration Practices Act
On June 19, 2019, the government of Alberta introduced Bill 11, Fair Registration Practices Act. The Act looks to remove barriers [...]
Do you see what I see?
Author: Sherri Priestly, MRT(R) Have you ever had a frustrating interaction with an orthopedic surgeon? Unfortunately, it has been my [...]