
Upcoming changes to My CCP

Posted: August 18, 2020

Regulated members will notice two changes to the My CPP online platform this fall when the new CCP cycle begins: a refreshed user interface and the addition of a Practice Profile tab on the Self-Assessment page.

Refreshed user interface

My CCP contains all relevant information about the CCP, including important details about the self-assessment, learning plan and reflective learning activities. We are updating the language and making the system more user-friendly to address the key messages about these three components and improve your experience with the platform.

Practice Profile tab

The new Practice Profile tab on the My CCP Self-Assessment page will provide an overview of your practice. It will include simple questions about your specialty and practice.

The Practice Profile tab will:

  • Enable you to track changes to your practice from one CCP cycle to the next
  • Offer you the opportunity for a deeper reflection on your practice as you go through the self-assessment (i.e., as you record whether you perform or support others in the performance of the Standards and their indicators)
  • Provide useful context to the Competence Committee to understand your submitted reflective practice review records
  • Become a new source of comprehensive and updated practice information the College can use to fine-tune the CCP

Once you have filled out the profile tab, you only need to update it if there is a change to your practice (e.g., moving from clinical practice to a management role). Your self-assessment will not be considered complete until the profile data is entered or confirmed.

All information gathered through My CCP is confidential and can only be used for purposes pertaining to the CCP.

Please feel welcome to contact our Director of Education and Competence, Linda O’Hara, at or 780.487.6130 if you have any questions about the CCP.

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