CCP Manual

CCP Manual2024-09-30T11:55:34-06:00

Registrants of the Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists (the College) demonstrate professional competence by completing the requirements of the Continuing Competence Program (CCP).

The Continuing Competence Program Manual provides guidance based on the College’s Standards of Practice 6.0 – Continuing Competence Program.

The College is mandated by the Health Professions Act (HPA) to regulate its registrants in a manner that protects and serves the public interest. The HPA part 3, section 50, identifies the legislative requirement that regulatory colleges create Standards of Practice for the Continuing Competence Program (CCP) so that the public is assured of receiving safe, competent, and ethical diagnostic and therapeutic care from its registrants.

The HPA defines competence as “the combined knowledge, skills, attitudes, and judgment required to provide professional services.” The CCP mandates registrants to demonstrate a commitment to continuing competence by meeting the requirements set out in the College’s standards of practice.

The CCP components are a reflective practice review (self-assessment, learning plan and reflective learning activities) and participation in a review and audit.

The reflective practice review and an annual audit process ensure registrants maintain their competence and enhance the provision of safe, ethical and competent care to the public and stakeholders. Registrants must complete their reflective practice review by the end of the applicable cycle, which ends on September 30.

Participation in the Continuing Competence Program is mandatory and directly affects each registrant’s annual practice permit renewal. Failure to complete the CCP will result in an automatic referral to the Registrar. The Registrar may refer the registrant for further action to the Competence Committee or the Complaints Director. As per s.40.1(1) of the HPA, they may impose conditions on a registrant’s practice permit including, but are not limited to, conditions that:

(a)   the registrant practices under supervision

(b)   the registrant’s practice be limited to specified professional services or to specified areas of the practice,

(c)   the registrant refrains from performing specified restricted activities

(d)   the registrant refrains from engaging in sole practice,

(e)   the registrant submits to additional practice visits or other assessments,

(f)    the registrant reports to the registrar on specified matters on specified dates

(g)   the practice permit is valid only for specified purpose and time,

(h)   the registrant be prohibited from supervising students, other registrants, or other health professionals, and

(i)    the registrant completes the continuing competence requirements within a specified time.

You must ensure that you accurately completed your CCP. If the College finds that you have intentionally provided false or misleading information or have acted dishonestly or deceitfully in relation to the CCP (this includes both the reflective practice and review/audit), the College must refer the matter to the Complaints Director.

The CCP cycle begins on October 1 and continues until September 30 of the following year. All objectives must be correctly completed and submitted by September 30 of each cycle. Failure to do so accurately will result in a levy of $150 added to your renewal fee.

As per Standard of Practice 6.0, the registrant must retain their documents for a minimum of five (5) years.

A registrant who is unable to complete their reflective practice review annually by September 30 or has been selected to undergo an audit and is unable to complete the assessment by the required date due to extenuating circumstances, may make a request in writing to the College for an extension or an exemption prior to September 30.

New for 2024/25: CCP is on My Profile

Registrants will record their CCP Reflective Practice Review on My Profile.

The previous platform, My CCP on SkilSure, was retired on September 30, 2024.

NEW for 2024/25: Minimum of 12 Learning Hours

Beginning October 1, 2024, the updated CCP program for 2024/25 no longer requires two learning hours per month. The new program requires a minimum of 12 learning hours annually, with prorated hours for those who have been registered for less than 12 months.

General Registrants

Registrants who have held registration and a practice permit for the entire CCP cycle (October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025) must complete a minimum of 12 hours of learning.

General Registrants for Less than 12 Months

Registrants who have not held registration and a practice permit for the entire CCP cycle (October 1, 2024 – September 30, 2025) must complete a minimum number of learning hours based on the number of months they were registered.

  • Those registered for 1-4 months must complete 4 hours of learning.
  • Those registered for 5-8 months must complete 8 hours of learning.
  • Those registered for 9-12 months must complete 12 hours of learning.

Registrants with Temporary Practice Permits

Registrants practicing with a Temporary Practice Permit (TPP) are not required to participate in the CCP. However, they are highly encouraged to take part in reflective learning during this time to keep current.

Registrants must compete their Reflective Practice Review which includes:

  1. Self-Assessment and Learning Plan

A self-assessment of the registrant’s practice against the Standards of Practice governing the registrant’s area of practice.

  1. Learning Activity

The development and implementation of a learning plan that follows the registrant’s professional development requirements identified in their personal assessment.

  1. Learning Summary

Records of learning activities, including evidence of having completed the required number of learning hours and documented evaluation of how the learning activities undertaken in the learning plan have addressed the professional development requirements identified by the registrant.

The CCP has a process for assessing registrants’ reflective practice. Up to 20% of registrants may be randomly selected for the audit through a computer-generated program. Registrants may also be directed to the audit by the Registrar or Competence Committee.

If you have been selected for a CCP audit, you will receive an email notification.

The College verifies that each registrant has met the annual CCP requirements outlined in the College’s governing documents at the end of the CCP cycle.

As per HPA, registrants must fulfill the mandated CCP requirements to renew their practice permit. This includes:

  • Self-Assessment
  • Learning Plan
  • Learning Summary

All three components are verified by the College in My Profile from the submitted learning objectives.

Records can only be accessed by those directly administrating and/or evaluating the program to ensure registrants are compliant with the requirements.

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