
Registration Renewal 2023 Report

Posted: April 18, 2023

Registration Renewal for the Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists (the College) for 2023 was open from October 1 to December 31, 2022, and the numbers are in.

During that period, 2494 out of 2523 general registrants and all 17 temporary registrants renewed their practice permits. This means that nearly 99% of all regulated members renewed their practice permits by completing all legally mandated requirements to practice the profession.

The College appreciates this demonstration of the continued dedication and professionalism of medical radiation technologists (MRTs) and electroneurophysiology technologists (ENPs) in our province.

Close to 88% of registrants renewed their registration by November 30, 2022, which is less than the previous two years. Almost 94% of the 1227 additional and enhanced practice authorizations registrants hold were renewed by this date, a slight decrease from last year’s 99%.

The College thanks registrants who hold authorizations for allowing extra time for their renewals and their supervisors for approving authorization renewals within two to three days of receiving a notification.

Continuing Competence Program Completion

The College also appreciates that 88% of registrants completed their Continuing Competence Program (CCP) requirements on time in 2022. We conduct a CCP Analytics Verification every year before renewal opens to ensure all registrants have entered information into all three components of their CCP.

On August 31, 299 registrants were notified that their CCP was incomplete (192 in 2021 and 295 in 2020). This was an increase of 56% or 100 registrants from the previous year. Most of these registrants remediated the situation and renewed their registration before the end of the year.

Registrants must remember that the CCP cycle runs from September 1 to a completion deadline of August 31. Any submission delay will further delay the ability to renew by the December 31 deadline. The practice permit of a registrant who has not met the CCP requirements is suspended on January 1. To return to work, they must contact the College to complete the process.

Overcoming Delays

To ensure timely renewal approval, registrants must confirm that all the information in the renewal application is correct before submission. This is true for personal information, practice hours, PLI, declarations and all other required info. Some registrants encounter issues when renewing additional and enhanced practice authorizations. Registrants are encouraged to ensure their existing authorizations appear within their renewal form and to contact the College before continuing the renewal process if any are missing.

We would also like to remind registrants that the supervisor approving the additional or enhanced authorization must work at the same clinical site where the practice is being performed. Problems arise when registrants work at multiple sites and provide the contact information for a supervisor who does not observe their practice and is, therefore, unable to certify the registrant’s competence.


A total of 178 registrants resigned in 2022 (less than in 2021, but more than in 2020). Most resignations occured during the renewal period. The resignations were as follows:

  • General register to resigned status:  176
  • Temporary register to resigned status: 0
  • Student register to resigned status: 0

Based on data provided by registrants, there were four reasons main reasons for resignations:

  • Retirement
  • Parental leave
  • Temporary disability
  • Leaving the province

Internationally Educated & Other Applications

The Registration Committee reviews applications submitted by internationally educated technologists and applications with special circumstances from Canadian technologists.

In 2022, the Registration Committee met nine times and reviewed 18 applications. 17 were deferred until applicants successfully completed other requirements, such as providing proof of language proficiency and successfully challenging the entry-to-practice exam. One application for registration was approved. Source countries of application in 2022 included Hong Kong, the People’s Republic of China, India, Israel, New Zealand, the Philippines, South Africa, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America. The breakdown of applications per specialty were as follows:

  • Radiological: 14
  • Magnetic resonance: 1
  • Nuclear medicine: 1
  • Radiation therapy: 0
  • Electroneurophysiology: 2

Registration Renewal for 2024 begins on October 1, 2023. For renewal or registration questions, please contact the College at

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