
Must Know Info on Additional & Enhanced Practice Authorizations for Registrants & Supervisors

Posted: July 4, 2023

Do any of the following scenarios apply to you?

    • Are you an MRT or ENP looking to apply for an Additional or Enhanced Practice Authorization? 

    • Do you currently have an Additional or Enhanced Practice Authorization and are preparing to resign your registration to take a short leave before returning to practice? 

    • Are you a supervisor of an MRT or ENP applying for an Additional or Enhanced Practice Authorization?

If so, keep reading for important information.

Applying for Additional or Enhanced Practice Authorization

The Additional and Enhanced Practice Authorization webpage lists the steps to apply for the authorization; however, sometimes additional help is needed. To avoid delays, please review the following:

For Registrants

If you are a registrant applying for an authorization:

    • When completing the application, you must upload supporting documents, such as a certificate of completion and skills checklist. Check with your supervisor to ensure you have the correct documents. Submission of the wrong documents delays approval. See Required Documentation for A&E Practice Authorization Approval for a chart of the required documents for each authorization.

    • Ensure the appropriate supervisor has signed your supporting documents and has the correct date.

    • Ensure you enter the supervisor’s correct email address so they can receive the link to verify your application.

    • You may only apply for one Additional or Enhanced Practice Authorization at a time. If you wish to apply for more than one authorization, you must wait until the first one is approved before applying for more.

    • You will receive an email indicating your supervisor has completed a review of your application – this is NOT your application’s approval. You will receive an email from the College when your application is approved.

    • You must wait until you receive confirmation from the College that your authorization is approved and appears on your practice permit before performing the activity.

    • Any new Additional or Enhanced Practice Authorization(s) approved after completing your annual renewal will automatically be approved for the following year.

For Supervisors

If you are a registrant’s supervisor:

    • If you are waiting for the email to verify the authorization application, check your junk box and spam box, and ask the registrant to confirm they entered your correct email address.

For Previous Registrants Returning to Practice

If you are a previous registrant applying to reinstate your registration:

    • Any Additional or Enhanced Practice Authorizations you obtained before resigning your registration are NOT automatically reinstated on your practice permit.

    • To resume practicing the activity, you must first reapply to the College for approval

    • The process to reapply depends on your employer/supervisor – you need to ask them if you need to repeat the College approved course.

College Approval Required Before Practicing

For both registrants and supervisors, it is important to remember that a technologist cannot perform an additional or enhanced practice until the College approves it and appears on the registrant’s practice permit.

Confirming the addition of the authorization to a registrant’s practice permit can be done through the Public Register on our website.

If a technologist performs an activity before receiving College approval, it can be grounds for unprofessional conduct and subject to the disciplinary process.

Questions? Contact the Registration team at or 780.487.6130 or 1.800.282.2165.

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