
NEW! Pre-Authorized Debit for 2025 Renewal Fee

Posted: January 30, 2024
CATEGORY: Registration

“PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE develop a way to auto debit monthly the renewal fee!! There has to be a way!” – from the 2023 Renewal Feedback Survey

We heard you! We received feedback from many registrants requesting a payment plan, and we’re excited to offer this option.

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Program for your annual renewal fee with the Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists (the College).

By subscribing to this program, you can pre-pay your 2025 Registration Renewal fee in six monthly payments of only $75 per month. This will help you avoid the Christmas crunch and benefit your financial management. Additionally, it will provide peace of mind.


The program is simple and effective. You will be charged $75 per month from March 15, 2024, to August 15, 2024.

The program is for current College registrants holding General registration. This program does not apply to applicant or student fees.

Renew before the Deadline

You will still need to complete your 2025 Annual Renewal by the November 30, 2024, deadline.

Your PAD payment will be automatically applied to your renewal invoice.


You may cancel your enrolment at any time. The total amount withdrawn to date will be refunded, less a $30 administration fee.

How to Subscribe

For complete details and to subscribe, click on the button below:


Contact us at, 780.487.6130 or 1.800.282.2165.


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