Continuing Competence Program

Continuing Competence Program 2020-21


The 2020-21 Continuing Competence Program (CCP) cycle is well underway. The College’s CCP cycle runs from September 1 to August 31 of the following year. Every member who is on the general register for any portion of a CCP cycle is required to complete a reflective practice review every year, which includes a self-assessment, a learning plan and records of learning activities. Members are required to complete at least 2 hours of learning activities for every month in which [...]

Continuing Competence Program 2020-212024-03-01T13:55:37-07:00

2019-20 Continuing Competence Program Audit


Every year, the College conducts the Continuing Competence Program (CCP) Audit to ensure regulated members are complying with the program. The COVID-19 pandemic has posed many challenges for MRTs and ENPs this year, and the College made adjustments to both the CCP requirements and the way the CCP Audit was conducted for the 2019-20 cycle to address these challenges. In recognition of the time regulated members spent learning and adapting to new information and developing skills and competencies through [...]

2019-20 Continuing Competence Program Audit2024-03-01T14:14:51-07:00

Continuing Competence Program Update 2020


This year, due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, the College Council, Competence Committee and Registrar have considered this evolving situation and made two changes to the current CCP cycle that runs from September 1, 2019, to August 31, 2020. The minimum number of learning hours required this year is 12. You may choose to defer your audit to 2020-2021 year. Read more about the changes to the 2019-20 cycle. The next CCP cycle will start September 1, 2020, and [...]

Continuing Competence Program Update 20202024-03-07T10:50:06-07:00

Continuing Competence Program Update


The Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists Profession Regulation establishes the components of the Continuing Competence Program (CCP). The College is in the process of looking at this year’s framework for CCP given the current COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency. Changes that will impact members’ CCP will be communicated as soon as possible. Much has changed in the last month and we all have to adjust to a new normal. Physical distancing has led to cancellations of conferences and many other opportunities [...]

Continuing Competence Program Update2024-03-08T10:39:20-07:00

Continuing Competence Program Five-Year Review


College regulation states that in each registration year, a self-regulating professional needs to complete the Continuing Competence Program (CCP). The CCP requires that a regulated member complete, in each registration year, a reflective practice review that consists of a self-assessment, a learning plan, and a minimum of 24 hours of learning activities with details of how the learning was useful to the professional. The CCP is founded on the assumption that regulated members acquire appropriate skills and knowledge to [...]

Continuing Competence Program Five-Year Review2024-03-08T10:31:23-07:00

2018/2019 Continuing Competence Program Audit


The Competence Committee has completed the 2018/2019 Continuing Competence audit. This year, 8% of the members in the general register were selected for the random audit. Email notification was sent out to these members at the email address they had provided the College during the week of June 4th. One of the duties of the Competence Committee is to ensure members are compliant with the Continuing Competence Program. Being compliant means that a member must submit a reflective practice [...]

2018/2019 Continuing Competence Program Audit2024-03-08T10:11:29-07:00

Continuing Competence Program – 2019


Your annual practice review consists of a self-assessment, learning plan and reflective learning activities. Here is a list of learning activities the Competence Committee has deemed satisfactory with time restrictions: Satisfactory learning activities with time restrictions Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) time may be counted for up to four hours per CCP cycle. Any CPR hours that exceed the four hours are not considered to add to the satisfactory learning requirement. ACMDTT courses, including the Regulation Education Module; Heightening Professional Boundaries [...]

Continuing Competence Program – 20192024-03-08T09:50:25-07:00
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