
Too Many Practice Hours? Review Aims to Educate


Starting March 24, the Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists (the College) will review high practice hours reported by registrants.   Some registrants have reported working more hours than expected for a full-time position, with some claims reaching up to 4000 hours per year. Most full-time practitioners report between 2000 and 2400 hours.   Review on 2500+ Reported Hours  This review will focus on those who reported 2500 hours or more on their 2025 Annual Renewal. These registrants [...]

Too Many Practice Hours? Review Aims to Educate2025-03-21T14:07:13-06:00

MRT and ENP Practice Permits expire Dec. 31 unless Renewed for 2025


With the year drawing to a close, it's important for our registrants to complete their practice permit renewal for 2025 and for their managers and employers to know that, unless renewed, their practice permits expire on December 31, 2024. The vast majority of College registrants renewed by the November 30 deadline. Submit Renewal before Dec. 15 to avoid delays To those registrants who haven't renewed: To avoid delays in receiving your 2025 practice permit, submit your Renewal before [...]

MRT and ENP Practice Permits expire Dec. 31 unless Renewed for 20252024-12-12T16:09:19-07:00

Registrants to Renew Permit for 2025 by Nov. 30


Attention all MRT and ENP registrants: It's time to renew your practice permit for 2025. Your current practice permit will expire on December 31, 2024. Those holding a general practice permit may renew starting Oct. 1, while those with a temporary practice permit will be notified directly. The annual renewal process is a crucial legal obligation for all medical radiation technologists (MRTs) and electroneurophysiology technologists (ENPs) practicing in Alberta. Registrants are strongly encouraged to complete their renewal by [...]

Registrants to Renew Permit for 2025 by Nov. 302024-10-04T15:52:34-06:00

Renewal’s Latest Upgrades Promise a More Efficient Experience


After receiving feedback on last year’s Renewal process, you can expect notable upgrades this year to elevate your experience, ease frustration, and protect your practice.The biggest changes include removing supervisor approvals and requiring personal Professional Liability Insurance.UpgradesNo More Supervisor ApprovalsThe most significant change impacting 80% of our registrants is that we no longer require your supervisor’s sign-off on the renewal of your Additional or Enhanced Practice Authorization(s). This will significantly speed up the approval of your Renewal.An audit process [...]

Renewal’s Latest Upgrades Promise a More Efficient Experience2025-02-13T08:37:39-07:00

2023 Annual Report: Transformation and Continuity


“…2024 marked a critical turning point for our College, with changes stemming from legislation to leadership. These changes presented both opportunities for renewal and challenges of continuity. – Message from the Leadership The Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists (the College) is thrilled to announce the release of its 2023 Annual Report, which provides insight into a year dedicated to public safety, legislative compliance, and professional excellence. Read 2023 Annual Report Highlights An address from our [...]

2023 Annual Report: Transformation and Continuity2024-06-17T13:53:13-06:00

NEW! Pre-Authorized Debit for 2025 Renewal Fee


“PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE develop a way to auto debit monthly the renewal fee!! There has to be a way!” – from the 2023 Renewal Feedback Survey We heard you! We received feedback from many registrants requesting a payment plan, and we’re excited to offer this option. We are pleased to announce the launch of a new Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Program for your annual renewal fee with the Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists (the College). By subscribing to this [...]

NEW! Pre-Authorized Debit for 2025 Renewal Fee2024-02-29T14:03:51-07:00

2024 Annual Renewal for MRTs and ENPs, Oct. 3 – Nov. 30


MRTs and ENPs are now able to submit their Registration Renewal for 2024. General and temporary registration will expire on December 31, 2023. The annual renewal process is one of the most important legal obligations for all medical radiation technologists (MRTs) and electroneurophysiology technologists (ENPs) practicing in Alberta. Registrants are urged to complete their renewal by November 30, 2023, to avoid an additional $150 administration charge. If you are renewing any Additional or Enhanced Practice Authorizations, we recommend submitting [...]

2024 Annual Renewal for MRTs and ENPs, Oct. 3 – Nov. 302024-04-12T16:22:13-06:00

Registration Renewal 2022


The online registration renewal system for 2022 was open from October 1 to December 31, 2021. During that time, 2395 out of 2428 general members and all 12 temporary members renewed their practice permits. This means that close to 99% of all regulated members renewed their practice permits by completing all legally mandated requirements to practice the profession in Alberta in 2022. The College recognizes and appreciates this demonstration of the continued dedication and professionalism of MRTs and ENPs [...]

Registration Renewal 20222024-03-01T09:55:21-07:00

Annual Registration Renewal 2022


Over 98% of regulated members have renewed their registration by completing all of the legally mandated requirements to practice the profession in Alberta in 2022. This has been another challenging year and we recognize and appreciate the continued dedication and professionalism of MRTs and ENPs in our province. The online registration renewal system will remain open until 11:59 pm on Friday, December 31, and all regulated members who have not yet renewed should do so by this deadline. If [...]

Annual Registration Renewal 20222024-03-01T10:13:37-07:00

Change to PLI requirement


The College now requires regulated members to hold professional liability insurance (PLI) that covers a minimum of $2,000,000 per occurrence (previously $1,000,000). A review of the most common PLI policies held by our members (e.g., CAMRT, AHS and Medical Imaging Ed) shows that they already meet this new standard; however, all regulated members should verify that their current policy offers sufficient coverage. MRTs and ENPs who work in multiple practice locations should ensure that they have insurance coverage for [...]

Change to PLI requirement2024-03-01T11:00:15-07:00
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