
Catch all including legislation, bylaws, program changes, and other communications.

Response to Bill 46 – Current focus: Updating regulatory documents


Much of the work the College has done in response to Bill 46 so far has been focused on the mandated separation of colleges and association functions. Over the last few months, however, we have started to prepare for the next phase of Bill 46’s implementation, which will require the development of new or amended college regulations, standards of practice, and bylaws. In February, Council approved the College’s new Bylaws. This revised document follows a template that was created by [...]

Response to Bill 46 – Current focus: Updating regulatory documents2024-03-01T09:53:45-07:00

Response to Bill 46 – Current focus: Divestment of association functions


As the College continues to take steps to comply with the changes introduced by Bill 46, we will share regular updates about our status. The College announced over the summer that our bylaws have been updated to reflect that branches will be dissolved on July 1, 2022. In the meantime, branches will continue to operate as they always have. The College has been working with the branch chairs to provide guidance on the transition and answer any questions they [...]

Response to Bill 46 – Current focus: Divestment of association functions2024-03-01T10:10:48-07:00

Legislation Update – December 2021


Amendments to the Health Professions Act (HPA) introduced by Bill 46, the Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2020 (No. 2), require that health profession colleges only carry out professional regulatory duties in the public interest and prohibit them from carrying out association and member services functions. The College has already taken steps to comply with this new legislation — including discontinuing branches, annual membership meetings, conferences, and the associate membership category — and work continues as the government provides new details and timelines. The Minister of [...]

Legislation Update – December 20212024-03-01T10:09:20-07:00

Professional Practice and Mandatory Registration


The Health Professions Act (HPA) states that every person who meets the College’s registration requirements and intends to practice the profession of medical radiation or electroneurophysiology technology must apply for registration with the College. Practice involves not only the clinical and technical aspects of the profession; it also includes, but is not limited to, functions of education, management, research and administration. Essentially, this means that if you have the necessary qualifications, you must apply for registration if you will be working [...]

Professional Practice and Mandatory Registration2024-03-01T11:16:32-07:00

Upcoming changes due to HPA amendments


The College recently announced upcoming changes brought about by amendments to the Health Professions Act (HPA) introduced by Bill 46. These amendments require that the College only carry out professional regulatory duties in the public interest and prohibit the College from carrying out association and member services functions. Based on a careful review of these changes and legal advice, Council has made the following decisions and updated the College bylaws where applicable: Branches will be dissolved as of July 1, 2022. The [...]

Upcoming changes due to HPA amendments2024-03-01T11:18:50-07:00

Council Changes 2021


The Health Professions Act amendments introduced by Bill 30, the Health Statutes Amendments Act, 2020(1), come into force on April 1, requiring all regulatory colleges to increase public member representation to at least 50% on their councils, hearing tribunals and complaint review committees. The College recently updated our bylaws to reflect this change, changing the composition of Council from eight regulated members and three public members to six regulated members and six public members as of April 1. As of this date, [...]

Council Changes 20212024-03-01T13:07:36-07:00

Bylaw Update 2020


Organizations are dynamic; they grow and change with emerging and evolving needs. What the public needs and expects from its regulators is always evolving, so our governing body and structures must also continually evolve to best serve the public. Council has updated the bylaws to incorporate changes to the legislation and best practice in governance. Learn more about the updated bylaws

Bylaw Update 20202024-03-01T13:26:11-07:00

Legislation Changes


On July 6, 2020, the Government of Alberta announced upcoming changes to the Health Professions Act through the Bill 30 Health Statutes Amendment Act. Bill 30 requires all health professional regulatory colleges in Alberta to increase public member representation on their councils, hearing tribunals and complaint review committees from the current 25 percent to 50 percent of the total members. The Bill passed into law on July 29, 2020. It will take effect April 1, 2021. At this time, the government is [...]

Legislation Changes2024-03-01T14:07:43-07:00

Bill 11, Fair Registration Practices Act and Fair Registration Practices Regulation


On June 19, 2019, the government of Alberta introduced Bill 11, Fair Registration Practices Act, through the Ministry of Labour and Immigration. On November 26, 2019, the government of Alberta made the Fair Registration Practices Regulation set out in the Act. This new legislation sets up a Fair Registration Practices Office for the purpose of ensuring registration practices are transparent, objective, impartial, and fair.

Bill 11, Fair Registration Practices Act and Fair Registration Practices Regulation2024-03-08T10:22:26-07:00

Bill 11, Fair Registration Practices Act


On June 19, 2019, the government of Alberta introduced Bill 11, Fair Registration Practices Act. The Act looks to remove entry-to-practice related barriers for internationally educated professionals in Alberta. The Act will give the Minister of Labour and Immigration the ability to issue compliance orders, request audits on how applications are processed and request reports from the College. The Fair Registration Practices Code included in the Bill will outline general and specific duties that constitute fair registration, including the provision of [...]

Bill 11, Fair Registration Practices Act2024-03-08T09:59:45-07:00
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