Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists

Decision-Making Tool


The purpose of this tool is to guide regulated members of the Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists (ACMDTT or the College) in determining appropriate and safe practice using the ACMDTT’s key foundational documents.

  • This tool is designed to serve regulated members with all levels of experience and in all practice areas and settings.
  • The regulated member has the appropriate order/protocol for the procedure, in accordance with their employer’s policies and procedures.
How to use this tool

This tool includes a series of questions to guide the regulated member in determining if a specific activity is appropriate and safe for them to perform. It also provides descriptions of and links to key foundational documents for the regulated member to consult for additional information.

View examples to see how to the tool might help a member arrive at a decision during common scenarios.

Digital version: Click START below. For each question you come to, answer YES or NO and click the corresponding button to proceed to the next step. If you need more information to answer the question, click MORE DETAILS.

Print version: Download the document. START in the top left block. For each question you come to, answer YES or NO and follow the corresponding arrow to the next step. If you need more information to answer the question, turn to the PAGE # cited in the box in this document. Please note that the information included in this document is a summary only; for complete information, you can either download the Appendices document or refer to the Resources page on this website.

Please complete a short survey to help us evaluate the ACMDTT Decision-Making Tool. Thank you!

*The key foundational documents referred to in this tool are the Health Professions Act (HPA), Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists Profession Regulation, Code of Ethics, Standards of Practice and competency profiles. Links to all documents are available on the Resources page.

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