
Annual registration renewal opens October 1

Posted: September 17, 2020

It’s almost time for our members to renew their registration for 2021!

The online annual registration renewal system will open on October 1. The recently upgraded member portal features a more user-friendly renewal process that includes some significant changes from previous years, so we encourage all members to check their email on October 1 for detailed information and instructions on renewing in the new system.

New features of the 2021 registration renewal process

The following list includes some of the features of this year’s renewal process. For more details, please visit the Annual Renewal page.

  • Additional and enhanced practice authorizations will be renewed online. Important note for supervisors: You will receive an email when a member renews an additional or enhanced practice authorization, and they will not be able to complete their registration renewal until you have reviewed and approved the authorization using the provided link.
  • Register changes from general to non-practicing associate, as well as reinstatements from associate to general, can be completed online.
  • In the last section of the registration renewal system, partial registration fee deferrals can be requested by members renewing in the general register who demonstrate that their household income has been reduced as a result of COVID-19.
  • Online payment can be made with Visa, Mastercard, Visa Debit and Debit Mastercard.
Important dates to remember
  • October 1, 2020: The registration renewal system opens.
  • November 30, 2020: Renewals completed after this date are subject to an additional $150 administration charge.
  • December 31, 2020: The online registration renewal system closes.
  • January 1, 2021: Regulated members who have not renewed will have their permits administratively suspended and must contact the College to complete their registration. Associate members who have not renewed will have their memberships administratively cancelled.
Preparing for renewal

We encourage members to log in to the member portal before renewal opens to update their personal and employer information where necessary. While updates can be completed during the renewal process, certain changes affect other parts of the process and may cause delays.

If you have any questions about the annual renewal process, please feel welcome to contact us by emailing or by calling 780.487.6130 or 1.800.282.2165.

Learn more about the annual registration renewal process

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