The Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists (the College) receives and manages complaints of unprofessional conduct against its regulated members as part of its mandate to protect the public under the Health Professions Act (HPA).

In order to fulfill this mandate, the HPA grants health colleges the authority to enforce ethical conduct and standards of practice to protect the public’s health and well-being. As per Part 4 of the HPA, the College has the authority to attempt to resolve complaints, investigate or appoint investigators, seek the advice of experts, dismiss the complaint (if trivial or vexatious), or take other actions allowed under the HPA. The College follows the principles of procedural fairness in its processes while remaining transparent in our processes and accountable to the public.

Unprofessional conduct is defined in the HPA and includes conduct such as, but not limited to, displaying a lack of knowledge of or lack of skill or judgment in the provision of professional services and contravention of the act, the College’s Code of Ethics or Standards of Practice.

In Alberta, diagnostic medical sonographers are not recognized as a regulated profession. As a result, the College does not have the authority to review or address complaints related to the conduct or practice of sonographers.

Any person who believes that a medical radiation technologist (MRT) or electroneurophysiology technologist (ENP) has not provided care in a competent and professional manner can lodge a complaint to the Complaints Director of the College. The individual making the complaint can be:

  • A patient
  • A regulated member of the College
  • A former member of the College
  • Another healthcare professional
  • A member of the general public

A complaint cannot be made about a former member if two years have elapsed since the person became a former member.

Under the HPA, employers are required to report to the Complaints Director any terminations, suspensions or resignations resulting from possible unprofessional conduct of regulated members who are providing professional services on either a full-time basis, part-time basis as paid or unpaid employees, consultants, contractors or volunteers.

Any person who believes that a medical radiation technologist (MRT) or electroneurophysiology technologist (ENP) has not provided care in a competent and professional manner can submit a complaint to the Complaints Director of the College. A patient, a regulated member or any person of the general public may file a complaint.

Please see the Make a Complaint page for more information.

A complaint must be submitted in writing using the complaints form. All pertinent, specific, information must be included with any supporting documentation, if applicable. The complaint is then received by the Complaints Director and determined how to proceed based on the guidelines in the HPA. A complaint may be dismissed, investigated, resolved by a collaborated agreement between the parties involved, or referred to a hearing.

Submit complaints to:

Complaints Director
Suite 800, 4445 Calgary Trail
Edmonton AB T6H 5R7


While the College has legal authority under the HPA to investigate and administer complaints, we do not have authority to compensate complainants or require members or their employers to do so. Also, we can only investigate complaints about our members and have no jurisdiction over other health professionals, healthcare facilities or wait times.

For complaints of a sexual nature, please refer to the section of our website relating to sexual abuse and sexual misconduct.