
The College has a new website!

Posted: July 16, 2020

The Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists has a new website!

Completion of this project is an important achievement in the three-year strategic plan we began executing last year. Our website is the main medium we use to communicate with the public, so it plays an imperative role in helping us fulfill our mandate of protecting Albertans. We need to ensure that the information we share online is accurate, clear and easy to find for everyone, from members of the public to current and prospective registrants.

Our new website features a clean, modern design and a layout that adjusts to display properly on mobile devices, which significantly improves its overall functionality. Some of the highlights of the new site include the following:

  • A reorganized menu that makes finding information more intuitive for regulated members, applicants and anyone who wants to learn more about the College
  • An expanded complaints section that includes comprehensive information about the complaints process and hearings as well as resources for anyone who might need them — now a one-click item in line with direction from Alberta Health
  • Easy access to the public register through the top menu as well as the footer
  • Links to important pages for regulated members at the top of the page (desktop only) as well as one-click links to My Profile and My CCP in the footer

We will continue to update the website as needed to reflect the current environment and improve the user experience. We look forward to progressing on this and other projects that will help us achieve the vision set out in our strategic plan, including the following:

  • A much-needed upgrade of our database, member portal and online public register (going live on Monday with additional features being rolled out until the end of the year)
  • Planning of the annual membership meeting that was postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic (rescheduled for November 21, 2020; details to come)
  • A review of our bylaws and policies to accommodate the recently announced legislation that will increase public member representation on our council, hearing tribunals and complaint review committees to 50 percent of the total members (effective April 1, 2021)

The changes we are making will help strengthen our regulatory capacity and benefit everyone who interacts with the College. We understand that it can be challenging to navigate so many changes at once, and we welcome you to contact us with any questions, comments or suggestions. We appreciate people reaching out to us and are always happy to help!

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