Additional and Enhanced Practice Authorization

Additional and Enhanced Practice Authorization2024-05-13T13:24:44-06:00

The Health Professions Restricted Activity Regulation (the Regulation) and the Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists Standards of Practice outline the restricted activities for registrants which include procedures considered to be Enhanced Practice and those that require Additional Authorizations.

Standard 2.3 Restricted Activities outlines restricted activities and defines enhanced practice for medical diagnostic and therapeutic technologists.

Enhanced Practice is when you perform restricted activities that are not primarily authorized for the area of practice in which you’re registered.

Additional Authorizations differ from Enhanced Practice in that the additional competencies/restricted activities are included in the specialty’s section of the Regulation and Standards and Additional Authorization can be achieved by a technologist upon successful completion of advanced training approved by Council.

Registrants seeking Enhanced or Additional Authorization are required to complete advanced training approved by Council. When all requirements have been satisfied, the Additional Authorization will appear on your practice permit indicating the achievement of an Enhanced Practice skill set. Registrants granted Enhanced Practice are required to verify the maintenance of competence upon renewal each year.

For questions, contact the College at or 780.487.6130 or 1.800.282.2165.

My Profile allows registrants in the General Register to apply for Additional and Enhanced Practice Authorizations.

  • Log in to My Profile.
  • Select “My profile” on the left side of the screen.
  • Select “Edit profile” at the top of the page.
  • In the “Additional and Enhanced Practice Authorization Application” section, select “Add” to begin your application.
  • Select the specialty in which you are applying for an authorization and the authorization you are seeking. Please note that you can only apply for one authorization at a time.
  • Enter information about your program completion.
  • Upload the required documentation. This may include a certificate and skills checklist depending on the type of authorization.
  • Enter your supervisor’s information. Please provide a valid email address for your supervisor as they will verify your Additional and Enhanced Practice Authorization.
  • Complete the “Member Declaration” section. You must check all the boxes in this section to proceed with your application.
  • If you don’t need to make any other changes to your profile, scroll to the bottom of the page and select “Submit.” Your profile will be locked until the College reviews your application.
  • You will receive an email from the College when your application has been approved or if we require further information or documentation.

Enhanced Practice Authorizations

The following is a list of enhanced practice authorizations available to College registrants:

The College Council approved the current program which reflects current practice and entry-to-practice education for nuclear medicine technologists in Alberta.

View the approved CT and Contrast Media program

Approved program:

  • CAMRT Computed Tomography Imaging Certificate Course CTIC (approved July 2023)

Approved program:

  • Enhanced Gastrointestinal Fluoroscopy by Technologists – Canada Diagnostic Centres (reviewed 2024)

Approved program:

  • Ictal SPECT Injection Training Program for EEG Technologists – Foothills Medical Centre South Health Campus (approved 2005; reviewed 2023)

Approved program:

Approved programs:

  • Medication Administration Module for Diagnostic Imaging Technologists: Cardiac Catheterization Lab – Foothills Medical Centre (approved February 2012)
  • Medication Administration Module for Radiological Technologists: Interventional Radiology – Alberta Health Services (approved July 2016)
  • Medication Administration for MR Technologists – Mayfair Diagnostics (approved 2013; reviewed 2023)
  • Medication Management – Medical Imaging Consultants (reviewed March 2024)
  • Medication Management for Pain Therapy – Mayfair Diagnostics (approved July 2016; reviewed 2023)
  • Medication Preparation and Aseptic Technique – EFW Radiology (approved July 2016)
  • Medication Administration Module for Medical Radiation Technologists – Alberta Health Services (approved July 2016)
  • Medication Management Course – Canada Diagnostic Centres (approved July 2017)
  • Medication Preparation – Radiology Associates (approved September 2017)
  • Medication Management Authorization Program for Diagnostic Imaging – Alberta Health Services (approved November 2017)
  • Medication Administration for Medical Radiation Technologists – Insight Medical Imaging (reviewed April 2023)
  • Medication Administration Enhancement Module – ADC Imaging (approved July 2018; reviewed March 2023)
  • Medication Management – Guardian Radiology (approved December 2019)
  • Medication Management Course – Central Alberta Medical Imaging Services (approved February 2020)
  • Medication Management – Vivo Cura Health (approved May 2020)
  • Medication Management for Infini Health – Infini Health (approved September 2020)
  • Medication Management for Image Guided Procedures – Shift Imaging (approved November 2020)
  • Medication Management for Pain Therapy – Pureform Radiology (approved November 2020)
  • Medication Administration and Aseptic Technique – Beam Radiology – Calgary (approved July 2021)
  • Medication Preparation and Aseptic Technique – Peace Diagnostic Imaging (approved July 2021)
  • Medication Management Program – Glenwood Radiology (approved August 2022)
  • Medication Preparation and Aseptic Technique – BGSA Radiology Inc. (approved October 2022)
  • Medication Preparation – Insight Medical Imaging (approved April 2023)

Approved program:

  • High-Resolution Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (HR-pQCT) – University of Calgary (approved 2013; amended September 2014)

Additional Authorizations

The following is a list of additional authorizations available to College registrants:

Approved program:

  • Automated Breast Ultrasound (ABUS) – Mayfair Diagnostics (approved September 2017; reviewed March 2023)
  • Automated Breast Ultrasound (ABUS) – Insight Medical Imaging (approved July 2021)
  • Automated Breast Ultrasound (ABUS) – Canada Diagnostic Centres (CDC) (approved September 2021)
  • Automated Breast Ultrasound (ABUS) – Beam Radiology (approved February 2024)

Approved program:

  • Bladder Ultrasound in CCA Radiation Therapy – Cancer Care Alberta (approved February 2021; reviewed 2023)

Approved program:

  • Alberta Health Services Subdermal Needle Insertion Program (approved 2013; reviewed 2018)

Approved programs:

  • Mayfair Diagnostics (approved 2008; reviewed 2023)
  • NAIT Department of Continuing Education IV Certification Program (approved April 2015; reviewed 2021)
  • Covenant Health Venipuncture Program (approved April 2020; reviewed March 2023)
  • Alberta Health Services Venipuncture Authorization Program for Diagnostic Imaging (approved July 2015; reviewed February 2022)
  • BEAM Radiology Venipuncture Program (approved August 2022)
  • Cancer Care Alberta – Venipuncture Program (reviewed 2023)
  • EFW Radiology Venipuncture Program (approved April 2024)
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