Non-Practicing Associate

Non-Practicing Associate2024-06-24T10:30:27-06:00

Important notice: Associate and honorary life membership discontinued as of January 1, 2022

The College was established under the Health Professions Act (HPA) to regulate MRTs and ENPs in Alberta. The mandate of health colleges is to protect and serve the public interest, and that mandate has been brought into even clearer focus with amendments to the HPA introduced by Bill 46, the Health Statutes Amendment Act, 2020 (No. 2).

Bill 46 requires that the College only carry out professional regulatory duties in the public interest and prohibits the College from carrying out association and member services functions. Based on a careful review of the new legislation and legal advice, the College’s Council determined in 2021 that the non-regulated categories of associate and honorary life membership did not make a clear contribution to public protection and should therefore not continue beyond that year.

On January 1, 2022, the bylaw establishing the associate and honorary life membership categories was repealed. Anyone who was still registered in one of those categories at the end of 2021 had their status changed to “Withdrawn” on the College’s public register.

Members can still choose to resign their registration if they will not be working for an extended period of time, and registration requirements have always been and will continue to be the same for new members and former members returning to practice. It is now much simpler to resign and apply for other register changes, including new applications for general registration for former members, as these processes have all moved online.

The main benefits of associate membership were continued access to College e-blasts and newsletters and invitations to College events. Newsletters and important member updates are always posted on our website, and you can also sign up to receive newsletters to ensure you continue to receive them if you resign your registration. The changes brought about by Bill 46 include the College moving away from member-centric events like the annual conference and branch meetings but introducing new events that focus on regulatory education, which are open to regulated members as well as anyone interested in learning more about the College and regulation of MRTs and ENPs.

For more information about the discontinuation of the associate membership category, please see the frequently asked questions. If you have any other questions, please feel welcome to contact us at

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