Re-Entry Applicants

Re-Entry Applicants2024-05-10T14:41:56-06:00

As a regulated professional, it is your responsibility to ensure that you continue to meet the registration requirements while you are a regulated member of the College. If you are moving out of the province, retiring, or taking a leave of absence from your employment as a medical radiation or electroneurophysiology technologist, you may resign your registration. If you have been registered to practice the profession through the College in the past and intend to start practicing in Alberta again, you are required to complete the application for general registration and meet all registration requirements at the time of application.

All applications are now completed online with the exception of applications for internationally educated technologists. If you are a current (general, temporary or student) or former member of the College and wish to move to another registration category or resign, log in to My Profile to request the change. An overview of all the available registration pathways is provided below.

For more information and details on how to complete your application, please visit the Applicants section of the website. If you have any questions about how to change your registration, please feel welcome to contact the College by email at or by phone at 780.487.6130 or 1.800.282.2165.

Moving to General Registration

To apply for general registration as a current or former member of the College, you must meet all the same requirements as new applicants, including practice hours, professional liability insurance and conduct.

If you previously resigned your general registration with the College and wish to return to practice in Alberta, you must submit a new application for general registration. Log in to My Profile using the same email address you used when you were previously registered; if you’re not sure what email that is, please contact us at Please note that most required information for your application will auto-populate from your existing account, but you may need to resubmit your documents showing evidence of successful completion of a College-approved educational program and entry-to-practice examination.

  • Log in to My Profile and select “Apply” in the “General” box on your home page.
  • Select a registration pathway from the drop down menu based on where you last practiced your profession:
    • Alberta Graduates for technologists whose most recent practice hours and registration were in  Alberta.
    • Labour Mobility for technologists who were previous registered in Alberta, and:
      • who are moving back to Alberta after working in a province where their specialty is regulated,
      • and who still have an active license/certificate of registration to practice or are still working.
    • Non-Labour Mobility for technologists who were previously registered in Alberta, and:
      • are moving back to Alberta and are currently practicing in a Canadian province or territory that is not regulated,
      • or are moving back to Alberta from a province where their specialty is regulated, but do not have a current active license/certificate of registration,
      • or are moving back to Alberta after having worked outside of Canada.
  • Complete all sections of the form including the declarations and submit your application. Please note that you will need to provide the following:
    • Practice hours for the last five years
    • PLI policy number
  • Pay your application fee.
  • Submit your criminal record check and REM proof of completion.
  • Pay your registration fee.
  • Receive confirmation from the College that you are registered.

If you are currently registered as a student member with the College and have completed your educational program as well as the entry-to-practice examination, you may apply for general registration.

  • Log in to My Profile and select “Apply” in the “General” box on your home page.
  • Select “Alberta graduates” as your application stream, complete all sections of the form including the declarations and submit your application. Please note that you will need to provide the following:
    • Practice hours for the last five years (recent graduates are exempt from the practice hours requirement, but please enter any you have)
    • PLI policy number
    • Evidence of successful completion of your educational program
    • Evidence of successful completion of your entry-to-practice examination
  • Submit your criminal record check and REM proof of completion.
  • Pay your registration fee.
  • Receive confirmation from the College that you are registered.

If you are currently registered as a temporary member with the College and have now completed your entry-to-practice examination, you may apply for general registration. There is no additional fee to move from the temporary register to the general register.

  • Log in to My Profile and select “Apply” in the “General” box on your home page.
  • Select your application stream, complete all sections of the form including the declarations and submit your application. Please note that you will need to provide the following:
    • Practice hours for the last five years (recent graduates are exempt from the practice hours requirement, but please enter any you have)
    • PLI policy number
    • Evidence of successful completion of your entry-to-practice examination
  • Submit your criminal record check if you submitted the last one more than a year ago.
  • Receive confirmation from the College that you are registered.

Moving to Temporary Registration

If you are currently registered as a student member with the College and have completed your educational program and obtained an offer of employment before completing the entry-to-practice examination, you may apply for temporary registration.

Please note that you must complete your educational program and obtain employment before applying for temporary registration. Applications cannot be started early.

  • Log in to My Profile and select “Apply” in the “Temporary” box on your home page.
  • Complete all sections of the form including the declarations and submit your application. Please note that you will need to provide the following:
    • PLI policy number
    • Evidence of successful completion of your educational program
    • Information about your employment and supervisor
  • Submit your criminal record check and REM proof of completion.
  • Pay your registration fee.
  • Receive confirmation from the College that you have resigned.


If you currently hold general registration but will no longer be practicing the profession in Alberta, you may resign your registration. Members on the general register who submit a complete resignation application effective between January 1 and June 30 are eligible for a $225 refund.

  • Log in to My Profile and select “Apply” in the “Resigned” box on your home page.
  • Complete all sections of the form and submit your application.
  • Receive confirmation from the College that you have resigned.

If you are currently registered as a student member with the College but no longer plan to practice the profession in Alberta after you graduate, you may resign your membership.

  • Log in to My Profile and select “Apply” in the “Resigned” box on your home page.
  • Complete all sections of the form and submit your application.
  • Receive confirmation from the College that you have resigned.

If you are currently registered as a temporary member with the College but will no longer be practicing the profession in Alberta, you may resign your registration. Members on the temporary register who submit a complete resignation application effective between January 1 and June 30 are eligible for a $225 refund.

  • Log in to My Profile and select “Apply” in the “Resigned” box on your home page.
  • Complete all sections of the form and submit your application.
  • Receive confirmation from the College that you have resigned.
Effective Date Refund
January 1 – June 30 $225 Refund
July 1 – December 31 No Refund

Members who submit a complete resignation application with an effective date after June 30 are not eligible for a refund.

The College will review your resignation application, then send you an email confirming that your resignation has been received and accepted. Once you receive this notification, you are no longer permitted to practice any aspect of the profession in Alberta, including the clinical and technical aspects of the profession as well as functions of education, management, research, and administration. You are also no longer subject to the College’s registration requirements, including participating in the CCP and completing the annual renewal process. You can disregard any notices you might receive from the College once you have submitted your resignation.

Please note that resignations have no bearing on your future eligibility for general registration, provided you are in good standing when you resign (i.e., you did not resign due to conduct issues). Registration requirements are the same for new members and former members returning to practice. Provided you meet all these requirements, including the practice hours requirement, your application for general registration as a resigned member will be processed the same way as a new member’s application.

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