The Health Professions Restricted Activity Regulation (the Regulation) and the Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists Standards of Practice outline the restricted activities for registrants which include procedures considered to be Enhanced Practice and those that require Additional Authorizations.
Standard 2.3 Restricted Activities outlines restricted activities and defines enhanced practice for medical diagnostic and therapeutic technologists.
Enhanced Practice is when you perform restricted activities that are not primarily authorized for the area of practice in which you’re registered.
Additional Authorizations differ from Enhanced Practice in that the additional competencies/restricted activities are included in the specialty’s section of the Regulation and Standards and Additional Authorization can be achieved by a technologist upon successful completion of advanced training approved by Council.
Registrants seeking Enhanced or Additional Authorization are required to complete advanced training approved by Council. When all requirements have been satisfied, the Additional Authorization will appear on your practice permit indicating the achievement of an Enhanced Practice skill set. Registrants granted Enhanced Practice are required to verify the maintenance of competence upon renewal each year.
For questions, contact the College at or 780.487.6130 or 1.800.282.2165.
Enhanced Practice Authorizations
The following is a list of enhanced practice authorizations available to College registrants:
Additional Authorizations
The following is a list of additional authorizations available to College registrants: