Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists

Connections – Fall 2022

How MRTs and ENPs Benefit from Bill 46 Changes

The College’s focus is to regulate medical radiation technologists (MRTs) and electroneurophysiology technologists (ENPs) to provide safe, competent, and ethical care to Albertans. This has come into sharper clarity in recent years through compliance with the requirements of Bill 46, which obligated the College to refine its focus on the public interest.

Though Bill 46 caused the College to end several programs and events, many more have begun, and registrants directly benefit from these changes.

More convenient, less costly learning

Several new services are now more accessible across the province, such as customized, zero or low-cost online education fully connected to regulatory requirements. These services include creating four regulatory education Learning Modules and developing spring and fall Regulatory Education Symposiums.

For you, the advantages are many:

  • Eliminating costly travel-related expenses.
  • Reducing time away from family, work, and activities.
  • Making learning dates and times more convenient for your schedule.
  • Adding to learning options for your Continuing Competence Program.

The College hopes you take advantage of all available learning opportunities.

More practice support

The College’s renewed focus is creating professional advantages as well. This includes the development of professional practice documentation. This work supports registrants’ continuing competence by illuminating complex practices to guide members, supervisors, and the health system.

A recent example is the Social Media Guidelines which take principles from the Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice and describes how to meet them in your professional life.

Another prime example is the Decision-Making Toolkit. This online tool includes a series of questions to guide the regulated member in determining if a specific activity is appropriate and safe for them to perform. It also provides descriptions of and links to key ACMDTT regulatory documents to consult for additional information.

More foundational focus

Finally, we cannot forget that improvements to the foundational regulatory work of the College are always in progress. Key among these is the Public Registry which assures Albertans that they are being served by regulated health professionals. Others include the regular updates to the registration and member platform, the public platform, the Continuing Competence Program and its platform, and systems to manage professional conduct proceedings.

Council Supports Alberta Associations for MRTs and ENPs

The Council of the Alberta College of Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists (the College) is pleased to announce that it will grant $60,000 in one-time funding towards the launch of two new Alberta associations.

The Alberta Medical Radiation Technologist (MRT) Association and the Alberta Society of Electroneurophysiology Technologists (ENPs) plan to support their members through advocacy of the profession, continuing education, and associated services.

The College believes in the vital role of associations. Through this funding, the College hopes to assist these new associations towards a sustainable non-profit structure and future success.

Annual Registration Renewal for 2023

The online annual registration renewal system opened on Saturday, October 1, 2022. All regulated members of the College who plan to practice the profession in 2023 must renew their registration by November 30, 2022, to avoid an additional administration charge.

Maintaining your College registration is one of the most important legal obligations for all MRTs and ENPs practicing in Alberta. Under the Health Professions Act (HPA) and the Medical Diagnostic and Therapeutic Technologists Profession Regulation (the Regulation), all regulated College members are required to renew their registration each year in order to be legally authorized to practice the profession of medical radiation or electroneurophysiology technology in Alberta.

We encourage all members to read the information on the Annual Renewal page before beginning their renewal and consult the following as needed:

If you have any questions about the annual renewal process, please feel welcome to contact us by email at or by phone at 780.487.6130 or

2021-22 Competence Committee Audit Results

CCP Audit donut graphAnnually, the College’s Competence Committee audits member submissions for the Continuing Competence Program (CCP).

Up to 20% of the regulated membership may be randomly selected for evaluation of their reflective practice review. The committee or the registrar may choose additional members.

Those audited are notified in advance and must submit the following documents using the My CCP platform:

  • Self-Assessment of Practice
  • Personal Learning Plan
  • All Records of CCP Activities (including the Multisource Learning and the Multi-Session Learning Event Records)
  • Summary of Activities

This year’s audit of the 2021-22 CCP was conducted in October on 100 randomly selected submissions and one by the Registrar. Here are the results:

Audit Status Submissions Breakdown
Satisfactory 54  
Satisfactory with Feedback 24

11 – inadequate self-reflection
9 – incorrect start dates
2 – activity not accepted
2 – too many hours entered for an activity

Unsatisfactory 20 16 – inadequate self-reflection
3 – incorrect start date (therefore, did not have sufficient hours)
1 – activity entered twice
1 – quiz entered as learning (not acceptable)
Resigned 3 Did not complete their CCP

Unsatisfactory submissions will receive additional follow-up.

The CCP cycle runs from September 1 through to August 31 of the following year.

Learn more about the Continuing Competence Program.

Memories of DI: The perspective of a medical Mom

Karen Klak

Journal article page 1

Regulatory links: Standards of Practice 1.1, 1.2 (a–k, m), 2.4 (a, b, c, d, f), 2.5 (b), 2.6 (a, b, c, d); Code of Ethics 1 (a, e), 2 (a, f, h), 2 (a)

Reprinted with permission from the Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences.

Regulatory Education Symposium success

Symposium logoThe Regulatory Education Symposium held on October 22, 2022, was a resounding success with over 500 registrants for the four-hour Zoom learning event.

The featured session was a two-hour workshop on diversity and inclusion presented by Michael Bach, CCDP/AP, the founder of the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion (CCDI) and CEO of CCDI Consulting. Two other sessions were equally as popular: “Patient Fetal and Gonadal Shielding During Diagnostic Imaging Exams” with Andrea Kadar and David Hatch, and “Surveying the Landscape: First Nations, Métis and Inuit Cancer Resources in Radiation Therapy” with Kari Osmar and Tracey Lundstrom. 

The Regulatory Education Symposium is a free virtual event hosted by the College twice a year to provide regulated members with an opportunity to learn more about how regulation weaves into their everyday practice. Each symposium features a variety of learning sessions that are mapped to the College’s foundational documents like the Standards of Practice and Code of Ethics.

While the program of each symposium is geared toward MRTs and ENPs, everyone is welcome to attend these events. Watch for complete details on the Regulatory Education Symposium page

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